No, the result with this command is empty.
I can tell You the command works with my TV, but it´s not necessary - in my case
Sure You are not mistyped ?
No, the result with this command is empty.
I can tell You the command works with my TV, but it´s not necessary - in my case
Sure You are not mistyped ?
Why do you need 3Gb? 2 is more than you’ll ever need for LE.
Because he paid for ?
What command did You use ?
Maybe the mount option sec=ntlm can help
It´s not standard to use a NAS as SMB-client - reading manpage could help
No link to sellers please.
The Result is:
but i will see what is now active !?
Read was I have written ....
cat /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/attr
Thank you for you Answer, with the echo command, i can set 444 10bit, but which Command can i check it was 444 10bit correct set?
Did You check the output of -> cat /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/dc_cap
Yes it's working. I have a 2/32gb but i payed for a 3/32gb at gearbest !!!!
It´s not the first time
Ask gearbest for a refund
I don't understand !
Try another dtb file - 2g version
Maybe fake ram in Your box
Tim_Taylor, how do you copy large files from your NAS to your LE device without leaving PC on during copy?
Never, I´m playing my videos from NAS - no need to copy the files to my LE box.
Why should I copy the files to the box
Tim_Taylor I have a 64 gb SD CARD in my LibreELEC device. If I have lots of big sized video files in the cloud or in my NAS, I'd like to just copy them to LE device and not having to leave PC on.
I also have a lot files stored on my NAS(4-bay/16Tb storage) - and not having to leave pc on
But, it´s Your decision
It's because I want to map LibreELEC folders in QNAP's File Station.
Why ?
but when i use example then external usb media hdd isnt shared or ?
You have to modify samba.conf
add missing server protocol and add the entries for usb media like
path = <path>
guest ok = Yes
What i see heree??? I read this hours ago ...
Nothing helpfull to config for android clients smb1 protocol and for better clients smb2-3
Too libreelec dont have compiled smbstatus command or i cant find it.
This Forum is providing LE.
You can see there how to configure SMB running LE -> configure the file /storage/.config/samba.conf
You want to know how to configure an android client ? -> wrong forum
My Android TV´s , Android Tablet an iPads can access SMB shares without any special config
Just noticed that bt2020 isn't passed anymore. Any info on that please?
Youre wrong.
bt20.20 works with this build
It´s easy - done in one minute