Posts by meirick


    I install the LibreELEC-Odroid_C2.aarch64-8.0.0 release on my Odroid C2, and the module gpioplug-ir-recv is not present. So impossible to use the IR on GPIO.
    I test with the IR on the board and that work, but is it possible to set the repeat timing?


    Ok in directory /storage/.config .
    I tried in /etc/lirc/ ,like mentionned in the Odroid wiki (doku.php?id=en:c2_lir). It is a mistake for Libreelec.

    A request, maybe for the future, could you update the kernel at 3.14.79 at least. To have the posibility to wake up using IR remote controller and HDMi CEC. This would be suitable feature for some users.



    I upgrade my OdroidC2 with the last version of LibreElec, 7.95.3.
    LIRC is enable in the parameter-service. But I don't know how to use it. Is this setting only for the IR on the board, or for a IR connected on the GPIO?
    I try to download my lirc.conf (from my RP2 setting) in the /etc/lirc, but that fail (read-only file).

    Could someone help me, please?



    Now they are different release of LE for Odroid C2, that we can find on LE web site or Odriod forum for example (sorry for the ones I forget). All have several upgrade and a lot of work was done.
    I would like to know if the futur release of official LE will standardize all the upgrades? That will be more suitable, because I have'nt the time (maybe the bravery also) to test all the versions. I just need a stable one.
    I know that today the Odroid versions are Beta, I just wait the good final release.

    Thank a lot.



    Today I use LibreElec on a Raspberry Pi 2. I drive it by a GPIO IR and it work perfectly. I use the GPIO IR because my TV don't have CEC and I hide the Rasp2 behind the TV.

    I bought an Odroid C2 to upgrade my HTPC (HEVC especially). I use on it LibreELEC-Odroid_C2.aarch64-7.90.010.img.gz.
    I tried to set the GPIO IR (en:c2_lirc [Odroid Wiki]) but unfortunately that don't work.

    LibreELEC:~ # modprobe gpio-ir-recvLibreELEC:~ # modprobe gpioplug-ir-recv gpio_nr=249 active_low=1modprobe: FATAL: Module gpioplug-ir-recv not found in directory /lib/modules/3.14.29

    Could you info me if you are going to update the kernel for the final release of Kodi V17, or what do I do wrong?

