Posts by meirick

    Hello Chewitt,

    OK I understood my mistake.

    I had the line Options=nolock

    With this storage-backup.mount file, it is ok.

    Thank you



    I use the below command, otherwise I have a message that "rpc.statd "is not running.

    mount -t nfs -o vers=3 -o nolock /storage/backup

    it's working untill the system reboot.

    How to have a permanant mount point? The fstab is "read-only file system"



    I have updated my RockPi4 by fresh install to LE12.0.

    My previous setting on LE11.6 was worked verywell, so I desided to keep the same config files for the LE12.0.

    See below my storage-backup.mount file

    But that don't work. See the result of systemctl status storage-backup.mount

    Thank you for your help.



    I have updated my Rockpi 4b from LE11.0.6 to LE12.0.0, and I have some issu with addons

    First I backuped my system and updated by clean install the LE12.0.0.

    After restoring the backup some addons stop working. Especially to "Mythtv PVR Client".

    I tested to reinstall this addon without suscess. Find below my log.

    Why the curl file is in and no in

    Thank you for your help


    After aclean install, the addon "Mythtv PVR Client" can be installed, no issu.

    But after restoring the backup, the same probleme appears.



    Sorry for my question, but what is the difference between the RK3328 and the RK3399?

    I'm using my Libreelec to access at my media (movies, music and picture) + liveTV via MythtV (Mythfrontend). I would like to know what the RK3399 can do than the RK3328 can't do? And vice versa?

    I have read the specification, but I'm lost, and not sure to understand everything.

    Thank you.


    With the patch, it's the best compromise to use Odroid C2 by the IR. But don't push to quickly. I think it will OK, waiting the final patch.

    When I compiled LE, I was on the master branch. So my LE compile is a Leila release. How to switch to Kryton?

    I do it

    git checkout 8.0.2
    git pull

    But I have a message indicating me that I am not on a branch. I need to specify a branch to merge

    pascal@UbuntuServer:~/$ git pull
    Vous n'êtes actuellement sur aucune branche.
    Veuillez spécifier une branche avec laquelle fusionner.
    Référez-vous à git-pull(1) pour de plus amples détails.
        git pull <remote> <branch>

    And if I try to compile, I have this error :

    UNPACK   linux
    gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
    tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
    tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
    tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
    Makefile:12 : la recette pour la cible « image » a échouée
    make: *** [image] Erreur 2

    By Meirick


    I have a VM server (Esxi), with a i5-2500. It's the most powerfull computer I have. I configure htV with 2 vcpu and 4Go of memery. I start the compil this morning, wait and see now.

    How to compile a .tar update file? It's writing in the wiki :"Appending "make image" will generate an .img.gz file that can be written to USB/SD card media to create a new installation, and a .tar file for updating an existing installation."



    The problem is exactly the same, after a fresh install of LE8.02 on my Odroid C2. Neither Lirc, nor NEC protocol work properly.

    I didn't test the gpio IR, but with the board IR no improvement.

    Need some help, please.



    I haven't seen the LE8.0.2 was realese yet. Thanks to the develloper for their quick work.

    In the changelog, it's wirted "Lirc now supports a number of IR receivers that historically used in-kernel decoding. If you experience double button presses after updating lirc support can be disabled from the services tab in the settings add-on."

    I hope it's resolved, I will test this week-end.



    I have an Odroid C2 and I have some issue when Kodi is piloted by my TV remote.

    My tv don’t have the CEC protocol, so I try to use the onboard IR or a GPIO IR. But the problem is the same in the both cases.

    I tested some Krypton releases (official, Wrxtasy, Raybuntu), but always the same situation.

    With Lirc protocol, I need press almost two times to have effect in the GUI (I use the lirc.conf from my RP2 working on LE 17.1)

    By the NEC ir-keytable protocol, I followed the step by step from HiassofT for the setup : WD TV Live remote.

    Now some pressing are “remnanting”. For example : Up+Up+Left have effect Up+Up+Up+Left in the GUI.

    Could someone help me to have good ir-keytable or Lirc usage with Odroid C2 and Kryton Kodi.


    Tanks for your answer wrxtasy, but the modules options and gpioplug-ir-recv don't exist. So we can't assign a pin to GPIO-IR.

    Must I understand to use the GPIO-IR I would use a custom release. But which one to have LE 8.0?



    Could you incorporate in the next release for Odroid C2 the modules to use a IR on the GPIO? Because the gpioplug-ir-recv and options module are missing in the current LibreELEC-Odroid_C2.aarch64-8.0.0.
