Posts by Tromzy
I would like a non AVX version too, for my Intel NUC 5PPYH.
Is there going to be an updated x86 version with the new Retroarch Runahead feature ?
For some reason after latest update, EmulationStation won't launch anymore, I get a black screen for one second and get kicked back to Kodi. What log can I open to see the problem ? Thanks.
So, I still have this problem but unfortunately, it does not write anything in the logfiles. Is there another logfile elsewhere for EmulationStation ?
I have another question related to EmulationStation : does it still get updated ? The new Recalbox has fancy new themes and stuff, but I don't think they are compatible with our version of Emulationstation, is it possible to get their version of ES ?
For some reason after latest update, EmulationStation won't launch anymore, I get a black screen for one second and get kicked back to Kodi. What log can I open to see the problem ? Thanks.
Hi escalade,
I tried to update from an old version of your build to the latest, and I got the error you talk about in the README file ; so I downloaded the version that is in the "Archive" folder, but the problem is, I cannot push it to the "Update" folder from an other machine using Samba, because Libreelec is stuck at the error message, and does not start Kodi at all ; is there any way to skip the update process so that I can have access Samba, delete the file in Update and push the "Archive" one instead ?
Edit : nevermind, I could delete the content of the Update folder thanks to a Live Linux USB.
I tried to update to latest build this morning, but for some reason it became impossible to write to the Update folder via smb ? Have permissions changed ?
Edit : solved by using scp.
Escalade, I noticed an incompatibility on my laptop with Mesa 17 and KMS/DRM with Retroarch : I can't launch Retroarch on KMS mode with Mesa 17 (see here : Retroarch on DRM/KMS doesn't work anymore - Linux devices - Libretro Forums)
Did you notice the same incompatibility with your ROM ? It seems to work fine...
Thank you Escalade ! Is Snes9x-2010-libretro the latest version of Snes9x, or is it "snes9x-libretro" ?
I also noticed that, probably because of libinput, my Buffalo SNES USB gamepad isn't recognized anymore by Kodi (but it still works with Retroarch since it uses KMS). -
Thanks for the update escalade ! What's best for an Intel NUC with a Pentium n3700 CPU : Mupen64 or Glupen64 ? I get crackling sound with both...
[hr]This is issue with the game controller.
Sometimes the analog sticks are stuck in the position which decrease the volume to minimum. So you can either increase it back with controller and then turn off/on controller to reset the position or configure mapping in the way to disable volume controll by analog stick.Wow, that makes sense ! Thanks !
And again, I have no sound...
I did not change anything, I have sound in Retroarch, but not on Kodi. The output is HDMI as usual...
Edit : found the problem : sound volume was set to the minimum... But I did not change it myself ?
Thanks Escalade ; I've read the thread at libretro forums, and I currently use KMS anyways (I just wanted to be sure).
Just a question to Intel NUC users with Retroarch : what do you guys think performs best in terms of input lag and general performance : KMS/DRM or Vulkan ? Thanks !
Oh, I didn't see that asound.conf in the first post, thanks !