Hi Zomboided
Thanks for this addon. Just wondering is there a way for this addon to stay connected outside of kodi?
I'm using osmc on rpi3 which has a x11 desktop feature where kodi closes and opens a lxde desktop?
I'm assuming your addon only works inside kodi as my ip reverts to isp when on desktop.
Also about the wiki vpn risks, i tried ssh to my kodi box after it connected and it brought me to login console, although the osmc username and password didn't work, it seems PIA use same ip address for everyone connected to same server so when i ssh a particular address i may not be connecting to my kodi box? Although i've read that the ssh port is open for the vpn admins for management, so i may have been connecting to the server console login.
Does this addon have port forwarding on by default, I assume the device will be reasonably safe on vpn if no port forwarding?
I'll change default password for extra security.
Do you use PIA yourself?
Thanks for any info