Posts by zomboided

    the_bo install 4.1.7, you'll need to get it from GitHub as it's not on the repo (as it's not interesting for most people) and the API is documented on the wiki. It's vaguely tested, but if you see problems, post them up.

    Release 4.1.7 · Zomboided/service.vpn.manager · GitHub

    11. API · Zomboided/service.vpn.manager Wiki · GitHub

    Trespasser, I have a couple addons that I have mapped via the skin I use (Mimic) to leap right into the middle of them. I don't know if you can do this with Favourites?

    I've looked at the code, here are the issues:

    The inquiry to determine the IP can take some small number of seconds (or longer if the provider is AWOL).

    I could store the IP address on the home window when I do the inquiry, but if the connection happens on boot/start up then the inquiry doesn't happen (by design) so the IP address isn't known.

    You can switch on the enhanced display option to force the inquiry to happen, but your skin would need to recognise that the IP wouldn't be on the home window until after the inquiry has happened (can be some large number of second after startup has happened) - it would be an empty string if it's not connected.

    If the connection is disconnected, then the inquiry won't be run to show your updated external IP address.

    Or I could write an API to force the current IP address to be written to the home window, but it could take 10 second to execute. I guess I could also indicate whether it's connected to a VPN or not, but I don't think you care about this anyway.

    I think an API is the best way having looked. The API is documented on the wiki so you can look to see if you can integrate with it - I think it'd just boil down to a function call anyway. The other ways are plagued with issues. Does this work for you, even given the delay?

    There's not, but what kind of interface would you need?

    I could easily extend the existing API. That would provide a good separation from my addon if you're planning on sharing it.

    Could easily shove a function for you to call in one of the libs modules.

    Or could use a property on the home window, but this wouldn't check to see the connection was still alive before reporting it (which may not be necessary if this is happening frequently enough via the service)

    You're so missing the point (which is your prerogative entirely) and spreading mis-information (which bothers me).

    Most (all?) VPN providers push their DNS settings on connect and change it back on disconnect. The way this is done is documented in the openvpn manual. I think you should google exactly what happens when you connect a VPN, what the dns leak issues were and how they were solved. If you don't want to google, don't...makes no difference to me, I understand this stuff.

    If you want to change what the VPN provider has done, you can modify it using up/down scripts. And you can change the DNS server used outside of the VPN using the existing LE interface. I've told you this already. How to use up/down scripts with the add-on is documented on the wiki. How to use up/down scripts is documented in the openvpn manual. There are many examples of up/down scripts out there if you google for some.

    Personally, I use my ISPs DNS settings, and my VPN provider (being competent) automatically changes this for me on a system by system basis. If I'm on a Windows machine, the add-on takes advantage of a particular parameter to avoid the particular DNS leak issue that was an issue on that platform. I absolutely disagree with you that I have a DNS leak.

    Of course, you're free to continue to argue that this add-on should manipulate DNS servers, and you're free to change it - I really am not interested what you do. But please stop making incorrect and misleading statements about the way VPNs work.

    You're wrong, period. You can google why that is because I'm not going to explain. I will say that the configs are based on those provided by the VPN providers. Some have submitted their own to the repo. None of them agree with you, but maybe you should email them all and let them know what they're doing wrong.

    If you think I'm wrong, that's fine. I provide free software for free. You can choose not to use it, I'm good with this. Enjoy your journey, I won't be engaging with you anymore.

    4.1.6 is on the repo. If there's a break in the VPN, it'll only stop streaming media, and not local media (files, pvr)

    There's a toggle to switch this off to avoid stopping any media (but then this potentially allows a stream to continue over an unsecure connection so is enabled by default)

    Thanks for those that tested it out for me, especially jahutchi and ace310

    If you want to change the DNS you can do this using the LibreELEC interface already. If you think this is a DNS problem, use the existing interface to point at Google's DNS.

    If you want to change the DNS to something different once connected, use an up script. This is already supported. You can change it back with a down script if desired.

    @fotlotto your download is failing because after 35-40 downloads the connection is timing out - here's the return back from the http request to fetch the file from your log.

    urlopen error [Errno 110] Connection timed out

    After seeing 10 failures, the addon gives up trying by design.

    I've tried Nord again this morning and it downloads fine for me. I don't think Github is limiting downloads.

    I think your connection is timing out because something in your environment is blocking it. jahutchi is making a good point and that's where you should investigate.

    I'm not going to change any code here because I don't perceive there's any overall value, and certainly no functional value once it's set up and working. If this doesn't work for you, then you have the option of using User Defined to import the files that have been downloaded and unzipped outside of the addon, or as you say, you can rewrite it.

    ace310 thanks, that's helpful, 4.1.6 will work for you, you can get it on Github, I'll put it in the repo when it's been tested by a few people. I might need to refine it further based on some other feedback/more testing, but right now it'll only stop your remote streams based on what I see in the log.

    @fotlotto, here's my issue : On my crappy connection in the location I'm at currently, it takes ~5 minutes to download the Nord files. I can just about do low quality streaming on that connection. On my home connection which far more suitable for streaming, download would be much quicker. I agree using a zip would be better, and restarting would be good too, but this is a problem unique to NordVPN and their insistence on having 1000s of ovpn files. As you can imagine, my interest in writing a load of code to solve a problem for 1 out of ~40 providers is pretty low.

    You're also suggesting fixes when the problem of Nord failing to download has not been understood. If there's something in your environment that's causing it to crap out, then that's what needs fixing. I'd like to see a debug log of it failing before I do anything more.