I've looked at VPNArea and it looks like someone provided me with the files, it doesn't look like I did them myself.
I've updated the template and checked the Coventry 2 location you were using and the built in support should be the same as if you supply your own. You should see a notification that updated files are available, or you can try deleting downloaded files and resetting the connection. I'll run an update to pick up all the locations when I have the energy to pick through them.
It really does look like a DNS problem though. The trace is saying that calls to different interweb resources just time out. I've seen this multiple times. It can be caused by the ISP pushing bad params at you after the connection (unlikely if you see this across multiple locations). It can be caused by the OS not refreshing the DNS (I had read that the openvpn team consider updating the DNS in the OS to be not their job, which can be addressed by using the up/down parameters).
If you look in the ovpn files that VPNArea provide you'll see this :
up /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf
down /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf
which is supposed to kick the OS into doing something. There's some stuff about this here on the GitHub wiki
LE doesn't have update-resolv-conf or update-resolved-systemd because they don't use the services they call, and actually I think LE just wants connman to be kicked. I've not worked out a way of doing that yet (nor do I understand why it's necessary in some circumstances but not others).
You could also switch openvpn verb to 4 (this is in the settings/advanced) and see if a DNS Is being pushed at you. You could opt to always use the VPNArea DNS by setting it in the LibreELEC config.
If you get no joy, and VPNArea can't work it out when you're using their service with their ovpn file via the command line, then maybe trying it on a full Linux install where update-resolv-conf or whatever exists might be a good step. I think OSMC might work for you here.