Posts by sllem


    i have a Raspberry Pi 3 with Libreelec 8.2.1 after restart he write UPDATE FAILED.

    Now i cant start the system. At boot i see the LibreELEC logo and an Error

    *** Error in prepare_sysroot: mount_common: Could not mount /flash/SYSTEM ***

    ### Starting debugging shell... type exit ro quit ###

    sh: can't access tty; job control turned off

    # _

    Can anyone help me please how i can fix this Problem. I have no Backup from the system and i hape i can repair it and not flash the SD Card.

    Hi i have big Problems with my Sound at first i tell you my Setup,

    • Raspberry Pi 3
    • LibreELEC (official) Version 7.95.1 8.0


    LIGAWO HDMI Switch Matrix 4 to 2 (3D)

    Out A to my TV
    Out B to my Beamer

    Input 1 Raspberry Pi 3

    S/PDIF from Ligawo Switsch to Panasonic Home Theater

    This setup i using since years only without Raspberry and LibreElec, there are more other Players and Playstaion 3 in the Switch and never make Problems.

    If i now go on Live-TV in Channel list and klick "X" (PS Controller) on a Channel he open the Channel in the Background in front is the TV-List and all ist working.

    If i now press (O) he is showing me the menu from Kodi (Sound is working).

    If i now press (O) and he close Menu and show Only TV-Screen my sound is away (If i now switch the Output-Channel from Ligawo Switch to another and Back to Raspi Sound is working) - (If i change Channel without closing the TV-List the Sound is working, until i have only TV-Pictrue)
    If i now go on Live-TV in Channel list and klick "X" (PS Controller) on a Channel he open the Channel in the Background in front is the TV-List and all ist working.

    If i now press (X) to close Channel-List to view only Channel the sound is too going away. (If i now switch the Output-Channel from Ligawo Switch to another and Back to Raspi Sound is working) - (If i change Channel without closing the TV-List the Sound is working, until i have only TV-Pictrue)

    It looks like the is a signal or the signal will be lost if i change to TV-Screen ONLY. I Think my LIGAWO Switch think i switched the input or something else.

    I can't understand because i've never before problems with it.

    Kodi Soundsettings in attechment.