Posts by niabi

    I pulled them, but i can't do a new compile till tomorrow. Anyway it's just minor details. Important stuff is working as they should now.

    For the gui problem i have, i think it is part my TV and part ES to blame. It's an older Sony model and i think ES does not like the auto-detected resolution (720p). If i boot to kodi first and change the resolution to 1080, then ES works ok too. But as i said i probably am not the only one...

    PS, I thought perhaps the roms folder should be added to smb.conf to make it accessible (instead of "emulators" folder which is useless).

    Yes I noticed the rom folder missing from samba, I already added it on my local build, going to push the changes tonight.

    Sent from my Lenovo K50-t5 using Tapatalk

    Ok, i figured it.

    Yesterday i deleted everything and started from scratch. FYI everything compiles without a hitch now.
    But for my situation, i still need for KODI to load first for a very good reason. As is (ES loading first) i get NO GUI, and no way to change anything. SSH should be loaded by the autorun script, but it is not.
    After i did that ALL is working good (Exit to games works fine and ES loads ok).

    PS, i think kodi should remain first to load. I am certainly not the only one with this kind of peculiarities.

    But all and all i think you can call it a success!!!

    Awesome news!

    I made a few fixes and changes since last time I posted the link to the source.

    Ssh loads by default now.
    I changed the way kodi starts, but it's very easy to fix that before you compile it, just change the located in the Retroarch package.

    BTW: what do you mean you get no GUI at first? does ES not start at all?

    Anyways the "first" binary release using LE 8 from Kszaq will have Kodi launch first.

    Sent from my Lenovo K50-t5 using Tapatalk
    I just pushed 2 updates to the source on the sx05re branch

    Made changes to so that Kodi will launch by default.
    used chmod +x on emulationstation-config to force it to be executable.

    can you please pull the changes to your computer and try and compile it again? :)

    GitHub - shantigilbert/ 'Just enough OS' for Kodi. Sx05 Retro Edition, an emulation build based on LibreELEC for S905, S805 Devices.


    Starting ES from Kodi freezes the Gui. Perhaps checking the exit patches would fix it (in combination that emustation-config in /usr/bin is not made executable).
    I did it manually through ssh, and ES can finally be started (needs config checking). Don't have much time tonight for more troubleshooting...

    are you using make image PROJECT=S905 ARCH=arm? and switching to your correct dtb after writing to SD?

    it seems weird that it works for me (emulationstation-config ran with no problem), and I can exit to ES without any manual changes, not sure why the differences.

    I added asound.conf to the s905 project, added emulationstation to the exit menu in Kodi, and fixed some ES settings.

    so right now the project is now 99% ported to Kszaqs LE 8, as many people requested, it starts kodi first, then you can choose ES from the exit menu.

    here is the source, no binaries yet.
    GitHub - shantigilbert/ 'Just enough OS' for Kodi. Sx05 Retro Edition, an emulation build based on LibreELEC for S905, S805 Devices.

    Ok. ES config corrected (to a point) but i get the same as you.
    It must be an sdl2 config thing, but i am not that of an expert :( .

    How did you fix it?

    it seems the fieldofcows version of ES does not like the way we compile it (with -ldl -lm) so it complains, if you go back to "" it works, but I also rolled back to SDL2 2.0.4 from my las build, because it has some patches relate to mali (I haven't tested it with 2.0.5)

    I have no idea how to push changes on github :sick: :D . Never messed with it (that's your department).
    Is it my imagination, or are the changes missing from the new repo?

    Any way, later tonight again...

    no, they are there, you just need to select the branch (Sx05RE) and inside the sx05re folder, I am trying to have it all separated.

    but there is another problem on my side.

    LibreELEC:~ # emulationstation
    lvl0: Error initializing SDL!
    SDL not built with video support
    lvl0: Renderer failed to initialize!
    lvl0: Window failed to initialize!


    edit: nevermind, fixed :)

    hahaha I made a repository with all the changes.

    GitHub - shantigilbert/ 'Just enough OS' for Kodi. Sx05 Retro Edition, an emulation build based on LibreELEC for S905, S805 Devices.

    feel free to push any changes you make

    Tomorrow I will check what needs to be changed so that Kodi doesn't fight ES :)

    and make a patch to start ES directly from Kodi, it seems more people want it like this (start Kodi then the games).

    btw: I don't think we need libretro PPSSPP, its outdated, I think the standalone is better.

    It's not that, so do I.

    I finally figured it out ;). The flag needed for Emulatiostation to get rid of the errors is "-ldl" (not sure if "-lm" is necessary).

    The kodi part is the latest stock kszaq 8.0.0c build, and i just need to check and iron things regarding games now.
    I left libretro-ppsspp disabled for now.

    NICE!! i am compiling it right now :)

    also the packages that have "none" or "" you cn just use the PKG_SITE value and they will compile :)

    does sound work for you? if not, its because asound.conf is missing :)

    edit: for me, it does not compile with just -ldl. it needs -ldl and -lm

    I am in exactly the same place as you... Yesterday i thought to just disable Emulatiostation, so i can see how the rest of the packages go.

    It turns out that all packages that clone a git repo for the source (like Retroarch) complained about resolving the url (the package url is set to "none"). So after some headache i change "none" to "" and it worked.
    Today i did a "make clean" like you and Retroarch just didn't clone. It Just created the dir and complained that there was no rule or makefile or something (understandable on an empty dir).
    So i change it back to "none", let it complain about resolving url, change again "none" to "" and it worked :huh: :huh: :huh: .

    It's "almost" funny :D :D :D .

    Exactly what is happening to me, except for me, emulationstation does compile.

    Tje only thing we have different I think is that I used -c++98 instead of gnu++98

    Sent from my Lenovo K50-t5 using Tapatalk

    I have some free time in the weekend, fell free to ping me with the errors that you have and the github branch that you are using, maybe I can help.

    PM sent :)

    Haven't gotten that far, still trying to solve previous problems... :(

    Well I give up... I have no idea whats going on, I copied all the files (to send you the source) to another folder and tried to compile it to make sure it works, now it does not compile... Emulatiostation fails with an error, and even Retroarch doesnt want to compile. So I went back to my original folder and did a "make clean" then I tried compiling it again from scratch, Emulatiostation compiles without a problem... but Retroarch doesn't :/. They are the exact same files (just on different directories) so I am not sure whats going on.

    and my last successful compile, Kodi didn't want to start. I guess I am just going to stick to the original build I had until I get more energy to deal with all of this :(

    I will post my complete source code after I test a few things, I think I found out what was the problem with the sound but I need to test.
    you can then compare it or use mine and see if you get the same problems.
    I got the sound working :) at least for my device, not sure if each device needs a different seting.