Yep. Anyways, will this play PS3 games?
Yep. Anyways, will this play PS3 games?
I got it to work. It just takes time after holding the gamepad button to come to the configuration screen. Works nicely. Like to have a more HD game experience though.
not sure what you mean by "HD game experience" this is a Retro Emulator build.
I'm sorry if this has already been asked before, but is it possible to upgrade directly from kszaq's S905X LE-8.0.0e build to this by just tossing the .tar into the Update folder?
This seems like a worthwhile upgrade, but the amount of stuff I've set up on my device is enormous by now, so it would kind of suck to lose it just to play Super Mario World :pAny response would be highly appreciated - thanks
I just did an upgrade from Kzsaqs 8.0.0e to my build and it works fine. but I I had a clean install of Kzsaqs LE so not 100% sure everything will work correctly. If you don't want a full emulation machine like this build intends to be, you can also use the Addon called Bolt Ons! on the freaktab forum and that will allow you to use retroarch withouth reinstalling LE
You can update directly there no changes in kodi
I have made the update from kzaqs
Thank you for testing!
HIHow do you get the Snes Style controller working with the N64?
if its not automatically detected in retroarch you have to set it up, in settings - input - input user 1 binds
Update from 1.3 to 1.4 crashed my remote on my wetek hub
Replace remote.conf on /storage/config with the one for your device. I forgot to remove the remote.conf I use for my device.
I'm sorry if this has already been asked before, but is it possible to upgrade directly from kszaq's S905X LE-8.0.0e build to this by just tossing the .tar into the Update folder?
This seems like a worthwhile upgrade, but the amount of stuff I've set up on my device is enormous by now, so it would kind of suck to lose it just to play Super Mario World :pAny response would be highly appreciated - thanks
In theory it should work, the LE part is really intact, but in practice, I haven't tested it yet. I am going to test it tonight and I will let you know.
Hi the quality of games in Nintendo n64 is worst can I change the quality?
Do you mean graphic quality?
You can go into the Retroarch menu (press F1 on the keyboard, or LT3+RT3, or Middle button in the Xbox controller) and change the settings for the N64 emulator. but not sure how good they can get, N64 emulation is a hit and miss.
You have to modify the manifest.xml file, see the kodi file
Thank you! that worked and its exactly what I was looking for
"Add-on" packages are built for installation via a repo or local install from zip. So you need to modify the package so that it is built as a normal package (no as an add-on) and installed/embedded into the SYSTEM image.
Got it, I have to copy the files to $INSTALL/usr/share/kodi/addons, then enable it manually. or is there a way to enable it automatically?
You can create a kodi addon (as opposed to LE addon) with the three files you have. As long as the addon.xml is valid, just zip up the three files and install from zip in kodi.
If you post (or pm) your addon.xml, I can take a look
I know, it works like that. but what I want to do is install/enable the add-on when I am building the image
I build the package, and it works, it gets copied to the addons folder and I can enable it manually.
But is there a way to enable the addon automatically on build? how does the LibreElec settings addon does it? or does it have to be manually enabled? its not a big deal. I just rather it be enabled by default
I have a simple python script addon that I would like to add.
I have these files:
and this is my package I got the example from script.config.vdr:
PKG_SHORTDESC="Simple Launcher"
PKG_LONGDESC="Simple Launcher"
PKG_ADDON_NAME="Simple Launcher"
make_target() {
: # nothing to do here
makeinstall_target() {
: # nothing to do here
addon() {
Display More
Everything builds correctly, no errors, but the add-on does not appear in Kodi, anyone know what am I missing?
Thank you!
Still doesn't work for me. But I'll figure it out somehow.
does your gamepad work with Kodi?
No sound at all. The only audio output option I have on this LE release is bluetooth pulseaudio.
On the LE8.0e release which this is based on I get all the audio output options you would expect for my box
I will have to check this out, its weird since I have not moved anything related to audio, nor LE 8, I only added my packages, but maybe there is something wrong somewhere. Will check and let you know ASAP.
in the meantime can you do this:
SSH to the box (username root, password sx05re)
if your device is in Kodi, type:
systemctl stop kodi
if its in ES type:
systemctl stop emustation
then load a core and see if you get sound, you can also try with ALSA_CARD=0, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc.
and also make sure you are running v1.4 as this was a bug (at least on my device) on LE 8.0.0c and d, but not present on e.
I did. It showed a screen "No gamepad detected"(or something close to this) and after I attached it still nothing happened.
You need a game pad, press and hold a button to configure your game pad you can also configure a keyboard, but I wouldn't recommend it.
I'm losing my audio driver using 1.4.I've used the standard 8.0e version and all audio options are there?
Using a minix u1 using the minix u1 device tree on both ocations
What do you mean by this? RA has no sound? Kodi has no sound? or nothing at all has sound?
How can we install lakka on this LE build?
8.0.0e fixed my sound and gamepad issue Than you!
ok maybe I was not clear about what I meant
I want to change skin in Kodi, and need to know which Link / commad I need to start Emulationstation in Kodi..
In the original skin, the link is in the shut down menu, but if you want it in the main menu ( in a new skin in Kodi) you need to know the link to the startup script...
You need to run this:
touch /var/lock/
systemctl start emustation
Sent from my Lenovo K50-t5 using Tapatalk
Niabi good job.
I have tested and it works fine on mxqpro+Upgrade to the latest version of kodi?
What environment you use to compile the source?
Can I help you ?
Help is always needed and appreciated.
I am currently working on making everything easier to update, including kodi. I want to move all the packages related to SX05RE to a different folder, so when and update with kszaq build is released a simple pull request will update it without breaking anything else. I am very new to all of this, so somethings get complicated at times.
Sent from my Lenovo K50-t5 using Tapatalk
On 8.0.0d, It seems commit 8ab0f5 on the Kernel broke ALSA audio on S905, its weird because audio works inside Kodi, but if you run other programs (like Retroarch) sound is missing, if I revert this commit (or use commit 84ad67 which is one before) and compile from source sound works again, any idea why this might be ?
And also not as important and it might not be relevant to you, but might be worth a mention. At least for me the new peripheral joystick add-on doesn't work anymore (it worked out of the box for 8.0.0c) I use an Xbox 360 controller (and a Logitech F310) and I can move around with the analog stick, but the buttons don't work at all (A,B,X,Y,L,R,etc) not even if I try to set it up under input settings.
Thanks again for all the awesome work you are doing for these SOCs
nice build
I was thinking about switching skin
But What link / command should I use to start emulationstion, in the new skin???T-J@Y
After you setup your controller, press start, then UI settings, at the very bottom there is an option to select Skin. for now you can only use the ones included.
Hi is there any chance of adding an amiga emulator to this image like uae4arm ?
I can surely try, I have no experience with Amiga, but I will test it tonight and let you know