Posts by niabi

    I am assuming by the asterisks that whatever device you are using is banned on this forum, so I have no idea how to help you :(

    Did you use the correct DTB for your device?
    Does the build from Kszaq's work for you?

    That should work, go ahead. ;)

    I won't do it for my builds, too much hassle. At least for now.

    Oh no, I don't want to do it, nor I want you to do it, I was just commenting for Jefken, and well for knowledge ;)

    I don't think libressl is compatible with openssl. But if you go through LE git commit history you find the right commits. And compiling LE takes a long time. Compiling Addons just a bit more.

    Yeah on my machine it takes about 4 - 6 hours each time ;( I've done it a LOT of times. I've never compiled addons tho.

    Replacing means at least soname change. In best case a symlink would be enough, in worst users would have to reinstall all addons.

    What if you compile it all using the new package (obviously doing the proper changes to where libressl is called) and do a fresh install?

    Not sure why its not working but it locks the WP2 and nothing is responsive and have to reset the box. I left it a few minutes but no change tried launching ES from addons and from the menu but same result. Im still using sx095re v1.4b from sd card and raybuntu on nand so its not really a problem just have to reboot from one to the other.

    Can you SSH to your box? you could then run emulationstation from the prompt and see what error it gives you, Raybuntu's build might be missing a library or something.

    I would be happy to have a c64 and amiga core ;)

    1.4c released :) and it includes Amiga and c64 libretro cores :)

    Thank you I look forward to it :)

    I've made the image, but it has some Libretro cores missing that I cannot compile on aarch64:

    fuse-libretro, lutro, ppsspp (The standalone works fine) beetle-pcfx and picodrive.

    here is the link: Dropbox - LibreELEC-WeTek_Play_2.aarch64-8.0-devel-20170327143124-r25613-g97f4fad.img.gz

    Please note that I have not tested this, so please test it on an SD card, also, do not update the cores from the "core updater" menu as they will break the ones installed.

    Raybuntu I am trying to compile from source for the Weetek play 2,but I get this error when creating the image.

    I am running this command to compile:

    make image PROJECT=WeTek_Play_2 ARCH=aarch64 -j8

    Can you help me ?

    Thank you!

    I actually like those effects as long as they are not over-the-top. Some take it pretty far with trying to emulating a CRT's curvedness, color-bleeding and such. But in the end it's the scanlines that are most important to me so I will have a look at those overlays, so far I only knew about the shaders.

    Yeah what I meant is that I don't like all of those things to make the image look like a low res CRT. I love scanlines and I usually always have them on using the overlays .

    Sent from my Lenovo K50-t5 using Tapatalk

    Yeah, thanks from me too! Btw, did anyone find a shader which actually works with Retroarch on a S905X (Nexbox A95X in my case)? I'd just like a simple CRT effect but it seems that my box is wayyyyy too slow for that. Best case scenario so far is that screen updates "only" drop to 2fps...

    If you want scanlines you can use overlays, I usually set the RPI 1080p scanlines with a 0.15 opacity and they look very good. Or you can also test the scanline shader thats under misc, but it only works with integer scaling.

    for real CRT effects, there is a shader that mimics the SNES under a crt I think its called SNES composite, but I am not sure, and that one worked fine, but I personally don't like those effects.

    Sorry for my newbie question but just after a little help, running from sd card which is working well but don't know how to setup emulator station. I get to the section to map controller which is successful but I just get a screen with an n64 backdrop. Any advice or pointers would be much appreciated.

    you need to copy your roms files to /storage/roms each system has a different folder, e.g for NES you put your rom files under the /storage/roms/nes directory.

    you can also put them all in a USB stick, create a roms folder with a file called sx05reroms and place the roms under their corresponding folder for each system and reboot the s905 device.

    USB / roms /

    hope that helps.

    Hi tested your image on wetek play 2 and it works very well. Its a shame the wetek dvb driver is not included to watch satellite tv on kodi as that would be perfect for us wetek play owners.

    Just wondering if its possible to copy over your setup of emulation station and retroarch to the weteks own version of kodi ?...may be as a tar package or through ftp


    It should be possible but I don't have it setup to be an add-on and unfortunately I do not have a Wetek play 2 to test it, but if you give me the link to the source code (github?) for the build you are using, I could make a build that you could test. is it Raybuntu's build?