Posts by niabi
niabi I try to compile and I can't because I have always this error:
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/carl/Sx05RE/build.Sx05RE-S905.arm-1.8.2/retroarch-assets-40866a8'
BUILD retroarch-overlays (target)
BUILD core-info (target)
BUILD retroarch-joypad-autoconfig (target)
Executing (target): make
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/carl/Sx05RE/build.Sx05RE-S905.arm-1.8.2/retroarch-joypad-autoconfig-7c478b0'
make[1]: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/carl/Sx05RE/build.Sx05RE-S905.arm-1.8.2/retroarch-joypad-autoconfig-7c478b0'
Makefile:12: recipe for target 'image' failed
make: *** [image] Error 2
Can you help me?
I just pushed an update to deal with this problem.
You can also modify the openSSH package:
But not sure how secure this is.
niabi I try to compile and I can't because I have always this error:
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/carl/Sx05RE/build.Sx05RE-S905.arm-1.8.2/retroarch-assets-40866a8'
BUILD retroarch-overlays (target)
BUILD core-info (target)
BUILD retroarch-joypad-autoconfig (target)
Executing (target): make
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/carl/Sx05RE/build.Sx05RE-S905.arm-1.8.2/retroarch-joypad-autoconfig-7c478b0'
make[1]: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/carl/Sx05RE/build.Sx05RE-S905.arm-1.8.2/retroarch-joypad-autoconfig-7c478b0'
Makefile:12: recipe for target 'image' failed
make: *** [image] Error 2
Can you help me?
Please refer a few post back, someone had the same problem and managed to fix it by resaving the package file
many thanks Niabi - maybe I am not using the correct dtb with my box and there is an issue with the USB? Don't know.. the Windows receiver and the xbox 360 joypad work fine.
now I'm off to find out how to define a quit game, go back to ES macro - currently I have to go into RA, then select QUIT and ES loads again from the start.
there are LOTS of forums etc. for ES on raspberry pi - but not a lot fo ES on amlogic.
That's the reason why I made this build, nobody is really doing much for retro gaming on amlogic, Lakka recently started doing it but its just RA, there are other builds that use emulation but are mostly focused on Kodi and have the emulation on the side.
You can define a custom quit combo in RA , but the ES re-loading is a bug I am currently trying to fix, but I am not sure if its something on my code (which I always assume it is) or something in ES, I don't really like to bug the developers of these programs (be lakka, ES or even LE) as I am modifying them to work on my build, so I am stuck trying to fix them by myself.
something I have noticed when I configure my controller from ES - it ask me to configure UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, A, B, X, Y, START, SELECT, left shoulder and right shoulder - that is all it asks me - just mentioning this as I was just watching a youtube video where someone was configuring their joystick using ES on a raspberry Pi and it asked them to configure triggers buttons and analogue controllors as well.
EDIT 1: yes, it does it in native Lakka as well - I have now tried 3x different official PS4 joysticks and 1x third party xbox one wired joystick. I'm looking for my xbox 360 joypads to test them.
EDIT 2: I went and bought a windows xbox 360 receiver and joypad and it works.. so it looks like it is just terrible support for PS4 and XBOX ONE joypads.. which sucks, as I have 3x PS4 joypads.. well hopefully this helps other people and they don't spend so long messing around as I did.
Now I need to go back to the SMB share not working correctly after editing the smb.conf file or the samba.config.sample files.
It seems its more to me like a hardware problem on your end, I 've tested my PS4 controller, my Xbox one and my Xbox 360 controller without a problem I even connected all at once.
The reason you configure less buttons is because RetroPie uses ES configuration for other emulators, which I don't since I mainly use RA, I only enabled the buttons we need for navigation in ES.
as for the SMB.conf it has been fixed on the latest commit (Fix samba shares · shantigilbert/ · GitHub), but there is no binary yet.
yes, I removed the air mouse usb controller and also tried a different PS4 joystick and a different USB cable and it still happens.
Can you try lakka directly? And see If you get the same problem ?
Is it also usable with odoroid c2?
When I tried it was not boot.
Someone made it work on the Odroid C2: Problem in compiling sx05re for Odroid_C2 · Issue #72 · shantigilbert/ · GitHub you can follow the directions there and it might work for you, but you have to compile it.
Everything seems to be as it should, it detects it and identifies it correctly. I see you have other stuff connected to the USB, have you tried disconnecting everything except the gamepad? its weird that this happens with the Xbox 360 gamepad as well, since I was using one yesterday without a single problem.
I've been connecting wired - I tried bluetooth pairing under Kodi but the PS4 joystick switches off and does not remain paired.
I found if I play a game, then unplug the joystick and reconnect it . I can then press both analogue joysticks to get to the retroarch menu.. however I have to constantly disconnect and reconnect the joystick to be able to do anything in the retroarch menu. if I exit the retroarch menu, I have to do the same disconnect and reconnect.. but then at least I can play the game.
same thing with my xbox 360 joystick I borrowed.
if this is happening with the Xbox360 pad as well it might be your hardware? I use a Xbox 360 pad a lot and I have never had any problems with it.
if you connect through SSH can you type
and post the results.
I Have a S600 bluetooth from gearbest and don't work.
Does it work in kodi?
Sorry I wish I could help you more, getting BT gamepads to work is such a pain.
Hi Niabi - no that is fair it is your project after all.
May I please ask what the es_systems.cfg entries would be for both the built in MAME (I'm assuming older version) and the AdvanceMAME launchers would be?
I cannot load any of the older MAME roms in the \arcade folder.. the advancemame folder game launch with no issues.
Not sure I understand your question, but this is the es_systems.cfg file at Sx05RE_8.2 · shantigilbert/ · GitHub
the command for RA mame2003 is
and the one for advmame is
AFAIK mame2003 uses mame 0.78 ROMS so if you have other versions it might be the problem.
Have you checked the es_systems.cfg? And if the system has the correct path? Here is a demo snipped of mine config so i remember here on work at the moment
<fullname>Sega Dreamcast</fullname>
<path>/var/media/usb/roms/dreamcast</path> <- i have my roms on a usb drive (normaly here stays "/storage/roms/dreamcast")
<extension>.cdi .gdi</extension> <- have you all extensions correct here (e.g. mame there must be .zip)
<command>here stays the commando to start the roms</command> <- this command must at your current config correct filled
Hope this helps a little. Greetz, J.
PS: if this is your error, here is site that makes you the config, but you must also enter the correct <command> to start the roms!
No need to change the path of the ROMs for USB, should auto-mount your ROMs folder as long as you have a file named sx05reroms (just create an empty file with that name) in the root of your ROMs directory.
just make sure your USB is connected before booting just to make sure it has enough time to mount before runs.
Wich Gamepads do people use?
Need to buy one that is 100% compatible.
I have tested many controllers:
USB generic gamepad
Xbox 360 WiredXbox 360 wireless DIY dongle
Logitech F310 (which is what I currently USE)
Generic Bluetooth Gamepads (several)
PS2 with a generic adapter
PS3 wired
Generic arcade stick (which is basically a generic Xbox 360 gamepad)
I have same error when I try to compile. I use Ubuntu 14.04.5 !!
For @niabi wich distro of linux do you use?
I use Ubuntu
niabi - don't knowif you are aware of this retroarch project? [TWRP] LibreELEC for S905x plus EXTRAS!! (NEW) -
Yes I am aware about it, why?
is there anyway to get this to boot into lakka on start-up or via kodi instead of using es?
You need to modify the file to add RetroArch and also modify the retroarch.cfg to exit directly to Kodi instead of ES, this will basically elimiate ES.
is there any way to run any of the retroarch cores from ssh or a script, so I can verify that retroarch is actually running? then I might also be able to configure my joysticks to work within games. thank you.
EDIT: ok, I found the retroarch executable in the /usr/bin folder - if I give the command to execute it from winscp it runs (looks like another session runs.. as ES is still running in the background) and it recognised my PS4 joypad.. but would only allow me to select left/right and either top or bottom options in any lists. a/b/x/y etc. buttons do not work.
EDIT 2: ok.. if I connect a USB keyboard to the S905x I can use the retroarch menus and configs fine - but as soon as I connect the PS4 joypad with USB cable I cannot move (retroarch detects the PS4 joypad connected successfully).
So I then tried to remap all controls to the joystick and it is sort of successful - but when I select "User 1 Save Autoconfig" it shows me an error message - "error saving autoconf file" - so I am guessing this may be an issue as to why retroarch isn't loading or saving joypad configs?
where does retroarch save it's config files etc? as there is no /opt/retropie/emulationstation etc. folder with this build. and I cannot see any files anywhere over winscp - only downloaded jpg files and the gamelist.xml when I scrape the system games roms.
I recently got a PS4 so I can test the PS4 controller, how are you connecting to it? wired? I would assume the RA has a PS4 autoconfig out of the box, but I haven't tested it.
You can see all the paths in the Retroarch settings, use the keyboard to navigate to it and check them there.