Posts by niabi

    I could not boot version 1.8.2. Message:

    cp: write error: no space left on device

    *** Error in prepare_sysroot: mount_common: Could not mount /dev/SYSTEM ***

    ### Starting debugging shell ... type exit to quit ###

    ... and drop in shell. I think in my case the script that partition size change did not work. Version 1.6.5 and LibreELEC 8.2 boot successfully. dtb.img is the same everywhere. I tried two cards: 32GB and 64GB.

    As kszaq kindly replied you need to use the noram version, I've added so much stuff to this build it is impossible for it to fit on 1gb.

    I barely use Kodi on the Sx05RE, I mostly use it for the emulation part, I even setup my box inside a Playstation 1 case I had and added a HDD for all my ROMS :)

    I am still going to be updating the build, 8.2 will be updated as long as the S905 has a life (I hope) , worst case scenario I just switch to the Lakka build and add EmulationStation or Pegasus-FE.

    Thanks for the reply.

    GDPR-2 Just FYI, when I try to compile from source, on a clean dir using this command:

    PROJECT=Amlogic ARCH=arm DEVICE=S905 make image -j8

    I get this error:

    Not sure if its on my end or a bug.

    It's a bit of a mess and was just put together quickly, it just reads the directory and strips the version from the files and compares it to the version that LE sends and then outputs the answer in json format if the version on the server is newer than whatever the user is running. It serves it's function basically, chewitt has a much better version available afaik.

    Thanks for the reply I will check chewitt 's version if I can find it :)

    Hello all, for those of you that use or care about this build. Since LE 8.2 has been discontinued on the s905 there will not be any big updates to the LE side of Sx05RE, I could move forward to the new version 9.0 but it is in alpha stage right now, and I don't know if its worth it just yet, I have started testing it but I see no reason as of yet to move to that version.

    I am still working on it and there will still be updates to the emulator side and there will be another build with Pegasus-fe which is way faster and lighter than ES.

    but I do ask myself, Is Retroplayer included in LE 9? and if it is , will there still be any room/demand for Sx05RE? let me know :)

    If you really can't use systemd-run then use little more hackish approach.

    Make one helper script which runs before kodi (run it from autostart). In this script make a loop and inside loop start your script. And to know when to start it and when to stop use one temporary file which is created from kodi or some signal.

    That is actually a good idea! I will try that, thanks!

    Thats because mine boots into emulationstation. let me compile a version with Kodi as startup and see if it works for you, then we can test it. It would be better if you had an ethernet cable tho

    have you tried this ?

    fbset -fb /dev/fb0 -g 1280 960 1280 1920 32
    fbset -fb /dev/fb1 -g 32 32 32 32 32
    echo 0 0 1279 959 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale_axis
    echo 30 10 669 469 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/window_axis
    echo 640 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/scale_width
    echo 480 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/scale_height
    echo 0x10001 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/free_scale

    Unfortunately you will have to run it from SSH to test :/

    Maybe try the combination of nohup and the ampersand: "nohup command &".

    If I issue this command from a shell, log out from the kodi box and re-login again I can see the command still running. Which does not mean it will work for you as well, but you might give it a try.

    Tried that as well.

    not sure what you mean by running it from the shell, that will of course work since you are running it on a separate process. The problem comes when you call it from within Kodi (since it creates a child process) so when you quit it will also take all of the child processes. Unless I am very confused on how this works.

    Thank you for your reply, the problem is that i use wifi and cant set wifi connection if i dont see anything on the screen...=x

    dont get me wrong, i would love so much to have your software running here but i dont know why it just doesnt works on my setup =x

    If we could find a way to config it directly on the usb card it could help somehow but as far as you dont support cvbs 480p its almost impossible for me to use it =x

    Ahh now I get it, sorry for my confusion.

    Try the other options, unfortunately there is no way for me to fix/test any CVBS issues as I mentioned before I have no TV nor a device that can output CVBS :(

    i cant because i do use wireless connection and i cant set anything with black screen and i also dont have other tv.

    without 480p resolution i cant use it.

    Is there anyway to install emulationstation into libreelec as addon and set its resolution instead of using pre made system?

    I don't see why that would matter, you don't need another TV just a computer/mobile connected to the same network.

    Anyways you can use various add-ons that use RetroArch, one of them is the IARL launcher GitHub - zach-morris/plugin.program.iarl: Internet Archive ROM Launcher (IARL) will download ROMs from the Internet Archive and launch them with Kodi

    there is another one called "Bolts-On!" but its banned on this forum.

    you could also use Lakka Lakka - The DIY open source retrogaming emulation console directly and hopefully they have made the changes to output CVBS, it doesn't use EmulationStation tho.

    niabi can you please implement something like this?

    I am afraid not, for starters I have no such TV to test, nor a system that can output CVBS my device only has HDMI.

    but Sx095re i cant even boot, i see the logo total broken and with artifacts and then blackscreen! ( is there a way to set this resolution using file manager on sd card or something? because it wont boot up and give me ssh =x

    I assume the reason is because my distribution has no logo that works on that resolution.

    After you get the black screen, can you connect to Samba share and load the to make your necessary changes? and reboot?

    nohup doesn't work.

    I think only systemd-run will work. Check why your script doesn't like it.

    yeah, nothing seems to work, except systemd (I have tried it with another program and it works)

    Try to add & after the command: os.system("command &")

    Try "nohup /usr/bin/"

    nohup does not work, adding a & at the end doesn't either :( guess I will have to tackle this from another perspective.

    Thanks for the help!