Posts by thiryer

    Worked for me but didn't get power toggle to work. The moment you load the keymap, the original remote no longer works. Also would like to set the guide button for the Kodi TV guide and the menu button to context. How do I do this?

    Troggy just gave me a link that brings the whole thing together:

    [HowTo] Register and use two remote controllers at the same time.

    Usually the power button must be 'learned' by the remote control logitech via the original remote control.
    For the tv guide of memory, it is necessary to point to the function key_h, function 35

    remote.conf for mutant hd 2400 on logitech harmony 900, work great with libreelec on leelbox S1 1gb/8gb on SD card (at the time)

    just need to learn the real ir code for create function power on harmony screen.... the function on/off provided by logitech is monitored by the event code 116

    (key record Ok with userdata/keymap/gen.xml and remaped key_a for fonction audionextlanguage)


    <keymap><global><keyboard><key id="0xf0c6">record</key><key id="61505">audionextlanguage</key></keyboard></global><pvr><keyboard><key id="61505">audionextlanguage</key></keyboard></pvr><fullscreenlivetv><keyboard><key id="61505">audionextlanguage</key></keyboard></fullscreenlivetv><fullscreenvideo><keyboard><key id="61505">audionextlanguage</key></keyboard></fullscreenvideo></keymap>

    key on the logitech screen not mapped (because unnecessary for me)...
    button on screen logitech-> ir code send
    favoris -> 0x1a
    radio -> 0x36
    user -> 0x2c
    F1 -> 0x2e
    F2 -> 0x2f
    F3 -> 0x30
    navigation left -> 0x0a
    navigation right -> 0x0b

    however i did not understand how to translate key_record to key id=61638,... where are you find it

    <key id="61638">

    , only the debug mode can provide the key id for key pressed ?

    Many thanks , it's a good idea , if it canhelp someone, I will post my remote.conf in few hours.....

    if i must use keymap i will take advantage for add fonction < AudioNextLanguage > too

    PS : it seem's key id can be specified like this too <key id = "0xf0c6"> Record </key> , much simple for use with dmesg -c | grep scan

    I do it , work great ..... logitech harmony 900 based on remote for a mut@nt hd 2400 (nec protocol too)
    just one key doesn't work .... the function KEY_RECORD 167 ..... :s on LibreElec does nothing do .... , on live tv , press menu bar and select record button work , but if i pressed my REC button on the harmony ... do nothing....

    someone can confirme that KEY_RECORD doesn't work