Posts by ihopethiswillfi

    Hi all,
    I'm having the problem that in Kodi the video resolution is fixed to 720p and in the settings it's greyed out (I can't change the resolution to anything else). Between my box and the AVR is a HDMI splitter, so I'm thinking that maybe Kodi is unable to get EDID information or something. I want to force the output to 1080p. I tried following methods and all failed. Any tips to send me in the right direction?

    1) U-boot is already set to 1080p. So I'm thinking that can't be the problem.

    kodi2:~ # fw_printenv hdmimode
    kodi2:~ # fw_printenv outputmode

    2) I found this Github commit EDID overriding for aarch64 by egandt · Pull Request #841 · LibreELEC/ · GitHub and so I checked for /storage/.config/disp_cap and /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/disp_cap. The latter one existed and interestingly it was set to 720p60. So I copied that file to /storage/.config/disp_cap and /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/disp_cap and changed the 720p to 1080p. Rebooted the box... Kodi still set to 720p :-(. Maybe this doesn't work because I'm using the 32-bit build instead of aarch64 (just guessing...).

    3) I noticed many people force EDID with this tutorial: Configuring a Custom xorg.conf - OpenELEC . But many files referred to in those tutorials seem to be missing on my box.

    4) This forces the output to 1080p, but Kodi does not scale accordingly. So I have Kodi in the upper left of the screen at 720p, and then the 1080p image is generated by filling the rest of the pixels with black.

    echo 1080p60hz > /sys/class/display/mode

    Mini M8S II (s905x)
    using the 32bit build on USB drive.