For some reason, LibreELEC thinks the network is down:
17:05:00.334 T:140685126657792 NOTICE: service.libraryautoupdate-1.0.0 : Starting network check
17:05:00.366 T:140685126657792 NOTICE: service.libraryautoupdate-1.0.0 : Network down, not running
17:06:00.379 T:140685126657792 NOTICE: service.libraryautoupdate-1.0.0 : Starting network check
17:06:00.381 T:140685126657792 NOTICE: service.libraryautoupdate-1.0.0 : Network down, not running
When I check the service, systemd is saying the service isn't enabled:
● connman.service - Connection service
Loaded: loaded (/storage/.config/system.d/connman.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2017-11-15 16:59:12 EST; 9min ago
Is this normal behaviour? My custom network settings are being applied because I can ssh into the system and can see the DNS servers and search domains set correctly.
I enabled connman to see what what would happen. The symlink was created and I restarted the service. But, the system still thought the network was down. Than I rebooted it, ran the status command to confirm the service was enabled still (it was) and saw in the logs the same "network down" message.
I still don't know what's going on.