The undefined symbol: _ZTI7SidTune unfortunately is a LE linking error.
Pushed a PR
The undefined symbol: _ZTI7SidTune unfortunately is a LE linking error.
Pushed a PR
Driver for pci 0000:02:00.0: [14c3:0608] type 00 class 0x028000 is only enabled in LE13.
LE13 Generic-legacy does not work anymore because support for kernel "radeon" driver was removed.
But you can try to switch to "amdgpu" driver for your Kabini GPU on both Generic and Generic-legacy, see AMD Kabini - no hardware acceleration?
On Generic (GBM) you have to use Settings/System/Input to configure Kodi's HW keyboard layout.
That is different to Generic-legacy (X11) where the system wide setting of LE Settings Addon is used.
Then post the link to a log so that we at least know the USB ID and the see the recation of the system.
On LE13 Generic nightlies in Timezones Europe/Stockholm is missing, its present in Pi images.
Unlikely, for the selection they both do use identical /usr/share/zoneinfo/tzdata.zi
I can see where it crash but I don't understand why and cannot reproduce. Please post the output of
It is most likely to work around the issue by creating the setting manually:
and reboot.
Even when this is working I'm interested in an additional debug log.
Addon with MariaDB 11.4.3 is the last one working.
I'm not using MariaDB but had the addon installed at one of my test installs and saw it restarting.
Select any vertical triple dots button of the forum gui.
Thanks for response, I'm using the board feeds
After checking the configurations:
The forum software is now using as root URL. After changing the reader configurations it seem to be working again.
Will close the thread after a few successful dates.
To start discussion without any research:
That is exactly the error message of the other thread, therefore I expected the same solution.
boot= can be RO but disk= must be RW. Main change at this point is kernel update from 6.6.46 to 6.6.71but I have no idea what differs in detail.
.update/ gives sometimes compatibility problems.
LE update logic currently see Nouveau and Nouveau-legacy images as not compatible.
Extend your update procedure to suppress the check: