Posts by rimram31

    This was not kiipro but you AtHoS, thanks ! This solved my problem, I've "only" downgraded tvheadend (I've already downgrade libreelec too yesterday) and tvheadend is back.

    Not working version stop just after this log lines (service.log in userdata):

    2017-01-19 01:11:58.329 [ INFO] scanfile: ISDB-T - loaded 2 regions with 1297 networks
    2017-01-19 01:12:01.525 [ INFO] linuxdvb: adapter added /dev/dvb/adapter0

    And nothing else, tvheadend not responding.

    Thanks kiipro for the link, I suspect also tvheadend addon new version. I've forget on this installation to disable autoupdate ...

    We should try to treat the cause. Does anyone know the reason?

    Sorry I've not my K1 plus here but I remember tvheadend log show several ERRORs for some "duplicated entry" (channels ?) and try also to initialize (scan?) dvb-t. After reboot, no tvheadend process is running, a ps command show a [tvheadend] process (ghost process ?).

    I will post later the logs tvheadend show.

    In #166

    I've (unfortunately ...) updated to the last 2017-01-13 version, having a "2016-12-31" version perfectly working (tvheadend, oscam ...) and tvheadend is no more starting and working. I've tried to rollback to the previous version: img + configuration with no success, for now my installation is broken.

    Is this related to this subject ? I've forget to prevent autoupdate ...

    What would be the most efficient solution to rollback to a working version ... I'm afraid as I've made a lot of tvheadend configuration (channels, epg ...)

    And finally all issues solved, even add ons installation problems with krypton. Sometimes solve wiath a manual installation (addon + its repo), sometimes krypton kodi doesn't display that the repo/addons was installed. But finally I was able to install all my "usual" addons.

    So all is working, I will test this installation in the next days (kodi, oscam, tvheadend mainly), thanks afl1 for your job.

    RC numeric keypad is working. Probably you have custom remote.conf. Pls remove from SD-card remote.conf. Also check for file /storage/.config/remote.conf.
    Tvheadend with Oscam had never issue. In tvheadend you need following config...

    oscam issue is solved but I don't know why ... booting again with this version and it's working (socket version) with my "7.02" configuration. Perhaps a new reboot was necesssary.

    I've search for some remote.conf file ... the only existing file is in /etc/amremote (or something like this) and is provided I think by your image (different but similar to the original android remote.conf file). I've check dmesg and I've activated kodi debug and the results are very strange.

    IR codes are received in dmesg and are as decribed in remote.conf, visible also in kodi debug logs but for an unknown reason, the corresponding action is not done. Using a keyboard, it's working, kodi logs show the same numeric key, really strange.

    I've tried to reboot putting the android remote.conf in .config, same results (the "Ok" key is not working in the original file!)

    Edit tonight: I've solved the remote number mystery :) this was related to my french keyboard setting! Remote numbers are translated to their keyboard counterpart and in French 1 is &, 2 is é ... and not 1, 2, ... Going back to "us" default (librelec setting) solve the problem.

    RC numeric keypad is working. Probably you have custom remote.conf. Pls remove from SD-card remote.conf. Also check for file /storage/.config/remote.conf.
    Tvheadend with Oscam had never issue...

    I will check for the remote but I've not do nothing else than burning the SD card with the image, I will check again.

    For oscam configuration, you must know that I've copied exactly the working configuration I have on my 7.02 installation: oscam and tvheadend (4.2). What is perfectly working with the 7.02 version is no more working (not talking about the remote which is not working on both versions ...)

    Try the latest Krypton version.
    - RC is fixed;
    - HDMI connection at boot is necessary for correct video setup to avoid video stuttering (at boot is reading HDMI device capability);
    - Libreelec repository is updated to the latest version now;

    Ok, I've tried, 20161231 version but same problems.

    RC is not working "as expected". As I've explained, when I'm in watching TV with kodi, numbers are not detected (useful to change channel).

    Unable to make tvheadend working with oscam (dvbapi). I've already encounter the problem on the other version but was able to work in TCP mode, I've not been able to make this working again (perhaps something missing on my side, I don't know).

    Some on my favourite addons, french addons, cannot be installed anymore in Krypton, this is not related to your version but I think general for this RC Krypton version. I'm an old now kodi (xbmc) user and not so hurry to upgrade for this reason. I will wait :)

    Try the latest Krypton version.
    - RC is fixed;
    - HDMI connection at boot is necessary for correct video setup to avoid video stuttering (at boot is reading HDMI device capability);
    - Libreelec repository is updated to the latest version now;

    Thanks for your answer.

    I've already tried the 20161227 build with the same results for the remote but not the last one, I will make a try.
    Noted for the HDMI tip, thanks.
    The problem I've encounter with Krypton build was linked to dependencies errors I think for some add-ons I'm used to install.

    Hi everybody,

    Congratulations afl1 for your work!

    I've bought recently a K1 Plus box and I'm using your LibreELEC-Amlogic.aarch64-KI_Plus- version with DVB-S2 internal tuner + tvheadend 4.2.

    All is working fine, I'm using Aeon theme and add some other "usual" addons (I'm a veteran xbmc user :-)) . I'm encountering only two issues.

    The remote is not fully working, numbers are not working as expected specially when you are in TV mode (usually kodi switch to the associated channel number). Perhaps I've missed some configuration setting ? Don't know.

    The second issue is not related to your build, I think this is a box hardware (and TV related) issue. I'm losing sometimes HDMI signal switching from one mode to another (when kodi switch to full 1080 ?). Unplugging and plugging again hdmi solve the problem but this is annoying.

    I've also tried your krypton build, but this is not a stable install for me as a lot of kodi add-ons are not yet fully working in this kodi version.

    If I find some time I will perhaps try my own builds :) (I'm a professional developer) but I need to understand all this "stuff" (kernel, librelec, K1 drivers ...)

    Clone my repo and start compiling. ;) PROJECT=S905 ARCH=aarch64 make image

    For information, I've found my gcc 6 issue, this is solved in recent libreelec version: gcc: compile with -std=gnu++98 to fix build with gcc6 by escalade · Pull Request #384 · LibreELEC/ · GitHub so never occur for recent version only if you want to build old versions using gcc 6 (an ubuntu 16 updated use gcc 6 by default).

    But my first build is not yet completed :) this is a very long operation even if you pre load sources ...

    Clone my repo and start compiling. ;) PROJECT=S905 ARCH=aarch64 make image

    I've setup a development environment and try to build it ... wow huge build and a lot of packages downloaded. Finally ths build failed, it seems I'm encountering a gcc5/6 compatibility issue, I'm using gcc6 on a fresh lubuntu 16 vm install (I'm able to build and run "simple" programs, not an installation issue)

    But this is not the best place to talk about this, have you some links you've used to understand what is done in such a build ? (libreelec, boot ...).

    I know this is a s905 thread but is there any build available for a K1 with a S805 chip ? I've not found such a build here (in the s805 part !). I've made a mistake and bought a (DVB-T only) K1 plus (so order a S2 later ...) and plan to offer this S805 to someone but it would be nice to find a working libreelec image, the box is provided with a firmware running kitkat 4.4.2 (having only kodi working, no need to use the tuner for this one)


    New to this post and this forum, I'm a kodi (xbmc) user for years: old laptop converted to mmedia, then pi, then K1 Plus :) ...

    I've the DVB-T/S version, I've already found some libreelec image on the internet which handle Availink K1 Plus tuner and works now quite well using tvheadend 4.2.

    I've tried the last image here and tvheadend doesn't show any dvb tuner. Or I've make a mistake with "device tree" or it's not included at all (reading this post quickly, this seems to be the case). But also from my readings here, it seems we cannot use a device tree coming from another image for this one.

    How can we use this image with DVB tuner driver ?

    kszaq I'm a developper ... (and old one :) but having already work for embedded devices using cross compile chains), are they any useful links and tutorials to build a development platform ? (first target to libreelec & s8/9xx builds)