Posts by MRog40

    What video card is it using? (If any at all?).

    It's most likely just too old of hardware.

    No graphics card added. It can run Ubuntu fine, and kodi on ubuntu pretty well, so i figured something more minimal like libreelec would be good for the older hardware. Is that not the case? Should i just try to do kodibuntu instead?

    I'm trying to turn an old computer into a dedicated kodi box for my dad for christmas. I wanted a minimal OS (can you say 'just enough') to run kodi only, and have it boot straight into kodi.

    It was a windows computer (HP Compaq 4000 Pro SFF PC Dual Core E6600 3.06GHz 4GB RAM) with a corrupted hard drive, so i threw in an 80GB HDD that had linux on it, and it booted up and ran fine computer seemed to work without any hiccups.

    I downloaded the file LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-7.0.2.img, and then using rufus made a bootable USB.

    I booted the computer from it with no problem and selected to quick install libreelec (wiping the hard drive) and it went smoothly.

    Ir prompted me to remove the USB and reboot the computer, which I did. It booted up and gave the LibreElec screen, then it just went black. Mouse cursor is there, and can use usb mouse to control it. No keyboard keys do anything.

    I let it sit for like 30 minutes to see if it was just slow to launch kodi (i'm assuming that is what happens next), and it hasn't done anything. Every other post I've read about black screen has either had video card issues (i'm on vga) or they suggested reinstalling or rebooting.

    So i push the power button on my pc and nothing happens, i tried holding it, also nothing. There is no other power switch or anything.

    I'm not sure what to do, should i just unplug it from the wall?