Posts by jordi-voss

    How did you create the file ? Maybe its format is DOS and not Unix...

    Can you try this ?

    # dos2unix /storage/.config/

    The method u told me did not work. But i deleted the file. Re added it with an nano command. Then i edited to file text from to
    Now it seems to work, thank you alot for your help!

    When running the chmod command, you need to provide the full path :

    # chmod +x /storage/.config/

    To test without rebooting :

    # /storage/.config/


    The command works perfect when i use it i can watch how long as i want movies and screen stays okey. But as soon as i restart the TV box i need to re send the command or it doesn't work again. Soo it wont send it on start of the box. Maybe i still put the wrong command but when i check through samba it got an autostart file with the command in .config.
    Maybe u could send an SS of thw full command?

    Thanks alot in advance,

    Hello all,

    The sound i couldn't fix soo i installed on there the sound works fine.
    Soo i try to fix the blue screen on it tho, but i can put the command u telll me.
    But when i try to safe it soo it does it every time it start the command: /storage/.config/ or chmod +x it says not found.
    Will it work now or do i need to add another command for this is the last thing i need to have fixed.

    Thanks alot in advance,

    Kindly regardz,

    Acces denied it says when i type /storage/.config/
    But i typed (echo "echo 1 > /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/output_rgb" >> /storage/.config/ It showed nothing, but i rebooted system soo i hope it wont come back now.
    Thanks alot.
    Btw, If it stays like this, i just need to get my sound back which worked thru HDMI on android.
    But not on Libreelec ill checked the settings and seems to be fine. Ill try to figure, but maybe this is an known issue and u got an command for it also?


    Connect using SSH (root / libreelec) and run :

    echo "echo 1 > /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/output_rgb" >> /storage/.config/

    Thanks for you'r fast reply, but i tried to connect my libreelec thru PuTTY.
    When i type the correct IP and load it says (Network error: Connection refused).
    They both has network i also can acces libreelec thru file explorer when enter the IP adress.


    Ty for this awesome thread, i have installed LibreElec on my NEXBOX A95X 2 GB, 8 GB.
    But as i know my TV (Sony Bravia older one) some time have problem to TV boxes / laptop's with the RGB options.
    Soo now again i get the magnetta/ blue color on my screen. On the android version which was pre installed i could choose force RGB option.
    Since libreelec does not have this i googled and found this thread. I read on the first post i need to add (echo 1 > /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/output_rgb) ?
    Where can i add this line? Or do you have one download which already include the Force RGB option?
    Also with libreelec i dont have sound thru my HDMI cable, with Android i do.

    I hope you guys got an solution for this.

    Thanks in advance.