Posts by awiouy

    ok I installed LibreELEC and the addon emby on my Rapberr Pi but when i try to install emby with the webinterface it ask me for path to ffmpeg ...
    Use the system installed gives me an error with ffprobe is also required..

    i am a bit lost xD

    Please post on the Mono and Emby thread, so that everyone can share.

    Emby should not need local ffmpeg (it fetches its own)

    Local ffmpeg support for RPi is only available to Emby on LE 8, is still experimental and has a major issue (transcoded stream is displayed on screen).

    I will explain how to activate it on the Emby and Mono thread, when I have the time.

    For information, pre-built root is outdated for now.

    awiouy - are the changes for MDB processing available in the current release version? I went to install the preview version but the link is no longer valid.

    Thanks again for your hard work.


    The changes for MDB processing are available in addon revision x.0.103.

    Once this revision is installed:

    • in the addon home directory, copy the files from the "http://siteini.pack/MDB postprocessor" folder into the "mdb" folder and
    • configure xml and ini files in the "mdb" folder

    The state of play:

    The addon uses a slightly modified packaged release of spotify-connect-web, from which is removed.
    I tried to use of the packaged release, in vain.
    The addon therefore uses shipped with LibreELEC, which works.

    I also tried to install the pre-built chroot of spotify-connect-web.
    But this fails because of invalid tar magic.

    Both the route or the pre-built chroot route might yield better sound quality.
    But I am at my wits' end.

    If anyone here knows how to improve sound quality, please report here, or update the addon.

    Thank you in advance.


    I currently believe the service that runs immediately after a boot may have a minor issue in sense that webgraplus log gets confused about when boot job actually started/finished. I could not put my finger exactly on how this minor issue occurs but believe the overall recorded job time could be between previous and latest pi re-boot?
    (Adding two boot webgrabplus service jobs together "Start/Finish timewise" if that makes any sense to you)

    Note: Only noticed this occuring for the service job that runs immediately after a boot, all other service jobs running every six hours appear to contain a correctly record time taken to run job in the webgrabplus log. Note: I am running milhouse nighly versions of LibreELEC Krypton.

    Hello MikeKL!

    The webgrabplus service starts when network is up, which may be before LibreELEC synchronizes its clock with network time servers.
    This produces a time gap in the log, as in the example below.
    This does however not affect WebGrab+Plus, which does not rely on the system clock.

    -- Logs begin at Fri 2016-08-26 15:43:47 CEST, end at Tue 2016-08-30 19:51:59 CEST. --
    Aug 26 15:43:50 Salon systemd[1]: Started WebGrab+Plus.
    Aug 26 15:43:53 Salon sh[380]: User defined pre-processing
    Aug 26 15:43:53 Salon sh[380]: Calling user defined pre-processing script /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.webgrabplus/
    Aug 26 15:43:53 Salon sh[380]: HELLO
    Aug 30 19:48:48 Salon sh[380]:              WebGrab+Plus/w MDB & REX Postprocess -- version  V1.57
    Aug 30 19:48:48 Salon sh[380]:                                 Jan van Straaten
    Aug 30 19:48:48 Salon sh[380]:                              Francis De Paemeleere
    Aug 30 19:48:48 Salon sh[380]:             thanks to Paul Weterings and all the contributing users

    If you need to delay starting WebGrab+Plus, eg to wait for the VPN to be available, simply create a corresponding script in the home folder of the addon.

    For example, the script below delays WebGrab+Plus by 15 seconds:

    sleep 15

    Sorry didn't try the preview release yet i wil try this tomorrow.
    If i update to the new preview release do i have to copy the mdb file again to the mdb folder?

    I will check the webgrab+Plus forum thanks!

    Thank you for testing.
    You do not have to copy the mdb files again, if you already have.

    Yeah. I implement MikeKL' s ideas. The reason I don't want it to initiate at startup is because I auto execute open VPN, and the start time in the WebGrab logs is well off - probably due to the VPN connection.

    So I have a valid reason even if it is niche.

    Sent from my OnePlus 2

    You could use script to wait for the VPN to be online.

    Is the work you are doing similar to the WebGrab+Plus Configurator? I already use that to do mdb post processing.

    Also, thanks to MikeKL I have messed around with cron settings because I too didn't want it auto running immediately after startup.

    Sent from my OnePlus 2

    Hello Iain!

    The projects are similar, indeed!
    They even went live at about the same time.
    I trust they are complementary.

    In fact, this addon is a spin-off and use case of the Mono for LibreELEC addon.
    The Mono addon enables WebGrab+Plus, Emby and other Mono applications to run on LibreELEC.
    I am happy to say that he Mono addon is now available and stable for all LibreELEC projects and architectures.
    I am confident that WebGrab+Plus is on LibreELEC to stay, in any form.

    As for running (or not) WebGrab+Plus at startup:
    WebGrab+Plus does not interfere with system startup (top shows usage of 10% of one CPU, RPi2 has four CPU).
    Moreover, the service only updates guide.xml at the end of its processing, ie guide.xml does not change during the processing.
    There is therefore no objective reason not to run the service at system startup.
    On the contrary, this ensures that guide.xml will be updated as soon as possible if the system was shut down for a longer period of time.
    Incidentally, if I remember well, this feature was suggested by MikeKL, when he came back from a leave.


    In both situations I have HDMI audio to Yamaha AV receiver.
    If you have a spare pi you might try volumio with pre-built chroot?Is the soundquality difference not an ALSA issue?

    I will experiment with the pre-built chroot on LibreELEC, but for the moment it does not install.

    The sound quality likely lies with ALSA.

    However, bear in mind that:
    - Volumio is designed for sound, whereas
    - LibreELEC is designed for Kodi, which uses an audio sink of its own (not ALSA).
    ALSA configuration is therefore likely more refined on Volumio than on LibreELEC

    I will nevertheless do my best to improve the sound quality of the addon.

    I welcome help, in any form, in this endeavour

    Thank you for confirming MDB post-processing works (with the preview release, right?)

    selectserie and matchserie in mdb.config.xml are the defaults provided with WebGrab+Plus.
    I do not know what the right settings are.

    Maybe someone on this thread can help you out.
    Otherwise, you will certainly find help on the WebGrab+Plus forum, or at the WebGrab+Plus configurator thread.

    I think it is the same Fornoth spotify-connect-web as you use but then on a volumio 1.55 build, but didn't try it yet on the new volumio 2 build. Here is a volumio forum link where i got the info Spotify Connect : Development talks - Volumio

    But for the installation i just followed the Fornoth github page and used the pre-built chroot installation


    Thank you for your reply.

    The addon is based on the spotify-connect-web packaged release (~15 MB), not the pre-built chroot (~ 180 MB).

    I have tried to install the pre-built chroot to find out if it makes a difference with respect to sound quality.
    The pre-built chroot however failed to install (installation complains about invalid tar magic).

    If you or anyone here:
    1. manages to install and run the pre-built chroot on LibreELEC, and
    2. confirms that sound quality of RPi onboard audio is better with pre-built chroot than with the current addon
    I will gladly consider updating the addon.

    In the meantime, I can only confirm that sound quality is better with an external sound card than with RPi onboard audio via headphone jack.


    WebGrab+Plus is really complicated to configure!
    I have removed the previews as they overwrite the mdb ini files each time the service is started.
    The easiest therefore remains to copy the mdb ini files manually.
    What a mess
    I have updated the addon to integrate MDB post processing.

    Preview releases (for all projects and architectures)

    The corresponding code is here.


    • If script exists, it is called
    • WebGrab+Plus creates guide_wgp.xml
    • If MDB post-processing is enabled, it creates guide_mdb.xml, which is then moved to guide_wgp.xml
    • xmltv_time_correct uses guide_wgp.xml to create guide_xtc.xml
    • guide_xtc.xml is copied to guide.xml
    • WG2MP uses guide.xml to create mediaportal.xml
    • If script exists, it is called

    Changing the file names will break the workflow, ie steps 4 to 6 will fail.

    The workflow is executed when the service is (re)started and subsequently every six hours.
    Disabling/enabling the addon with Kodi restarts the service

    To enable MDB post-processing

    • In the addon home directory, copy the files from the "http://siteini.pack/MDB postprocessor" folder into the "mdb" folder.
    • Configure xml and ini files in the "mdb" folder
    • Install the appropriate preview release

    Please provide your feedback on this thread.
    Thank you for testing

    This pull request updates the mdb ini files.
    mdb post-processing should now be operational.

    I am looking for volunteers to test the preview releases below:

    Please report here if it makes or if it breaks

    Yes! i found the files in the siteini.pack from the webgrab++ site!
    Then copied the files and overwrite the existing files and change the language for my purpose and ran the mdb-postprocessing again and it seems to working right now

    When finished i let you know!

    Thanks and cheers!

    Where do you change the language?


    The mdb.ini files are shipped with siteini.pack.
    mdb post-processing however expects them in the mdb folder.

    Then, WebGrab+Plus creates one or two guides, depending on whether grab/run are enabled.
    The guides further have distinct names.

    What a mess!

    I will nevertheless try to adapt the addon.

    Hi awiouy,

    I paste the content of my WebGrab++.log.txt here.

    Hope this is useful.


    Hello Marciano!

    The logs you provide suggest that your problem is related to mdb post-processing
    According to the WebGrab+Plus web site, mdb.ini files have changed with version pre56.25.
    It is however unclear where updated mdb.ini can be found or where they should be placed.

    Unfortunately, WebGrab+Plus does not ship as a coherent set of files, but piecemeal.
    I have tried to overcome this problem by grouping a coherent set of files in a github repository.
    Apparently, I have overlooked updated mdb.ini files.
    I am sorry for this.

    If anyone here knows where I can find the updated mdb.ini files and where WebGrab+Plus expects them, please report here and
    I will update the addon accordingly.

    Until then, I am afraid mdb post-processing is broken.