Posts by tntsj408

    the new update (1210) fixes the dolphin exit issue. Now asfar as loading the game in the foreground its off and on. It works like %50 of the time. On loading a game from emulationstation, the screen is black, the gui is loaded ontop, or the game is ontop.

    My AMD setup still has a driver issue with the new 1210.. last version to work with it is 1127.
    Here is an image:

    I tested the latest alpha build i found on libreelec site (LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-7.90.009) and ran a live boot, and the amd drivers display correctly. Not sure if thats the build your based off or using a newer nightly.

    awesome.. good to hear escalade.

    Another issue that came up with the 1208.. I use your build on 2 setups. Intel i3-4170 and AMD 5350. The latest build displays perfectly on the intel but i went on to update my AMD aswell.. something is wrong with the display drivers for AMD.. it doesnt display anything recognizable at all on the AMD apu. I had to go back to the 1127 build. Not sure if that is from your configurations or what carried over from libreelec since I only been using yours.

    i was doing some searching and found the answer to my question.. adding tar to the update folder.

    that fixed the chrome issue and that works perfectly now.. but on the latest build.. I am having troubles with dolphin. When I have it load a game from emulationstation, it loads the game in the background with all I can see is the gui and have to tab to it all the time. Also, I cant quit dolphin after I start it. I close the game and press exit from the drop down menu and the system just hangs/freezes. Alt-F4 does the same. I have to ssh to my libreelec box and send the reboot command or force reboot/shutdown from the switch.

    Thanks again

    thanks for the awesome build..

    Have a question.. is there a way to update to the latest build without installing it fresh from a usb drive. If so how? I have quite a bit of settings done.

    I am using the 1127 version of the Generic build and everything is working great that I need to except for chrome. I got an error in the log about a lib file. I was hoping the latest build would fix that...


    /opt/google/chrome/chrome: error while loading shared libraries:
