i cant reconnect it in iather front end just in kodi then i go into retro or emulation station but no i dont see ant yellow characters in the left botton theres white words there
Posts by jesterod
im useing a cheap ipega bt controler maily ment to be used with a smart phone
no I just tryed both front ends and only works in one but not inside the games only start and direction works tho to be fair ive only tryed snes
that worked but when i went to install the internet archive launcher it said it inastalled it (from zip after settings) but i cant find the program to run it and im using a bluetooth controler i set it up in libreelec and it works in emulatationstation in the control setup but not in the games only a few buttons do the d-pad and start and i get the controler to do anything in retropi
i cant get this to work i copied the git onto the pi did install from zip shows gamestarter 2.0.2 in my addons and it did its first run setup but after that it it asks to go into retropi but never siwitches and in the setttngs i tried to get it to install internet archive rom launcher but it did nothing when selected
i am on a rpi 3 running LibreELEC (official) Version: 7.0.1
.... is there a reason this remote does not work?
i cant get my xbox dvd kit remote to work i added the xbox-lircd.conf and the Lircmap.xml that i use in openelec but nothing
this was a wile ago i think it was a wifi dongle its been fixed sence it was just a example. but i am having a samba issue it wont save my changes ro the smb.conf the changes work untell a reboot then it reverts to the default
i have had issues when i needed to add driver in openelec and it was not possible
can you install other stuff with this like in "osmc" or if the file system locked like in "openelec"?