Lol windblows i will upload the file for you
Στάλθηκε από το Moto G 2014 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
Lol windblows i will upload the file for you
Στάλθηκε από το Moto G 2014 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
Thanks for the info, the box I have is actually my friends, its still on android, so I am wary of installing libreelec on it, I tried loading the IMG file so I could dual boot and not risk bricking it but box just gets stuck at boot logo. Its the s812_m8c 1g by Tronfy.Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
I have not added much S812 devices for now as i am busy fixing those wifi issues, i will soon.
In other news new S8X2 images are being uploaded after this i will have to split code and build per device and i really don't want to go that route as will add me another couple of hours compiling and that is the reason i dont want to release with another name as i would have to start from scratch and i will avoid that as long as it takes me.
any chance you could make a file for the CMX MX AML8726 I have a few here collecting dust and I know a few people with them
CMX AML8726-MX TV Box Latest Firmware and Flash Method Released 20141212 -
Are you sure your box is not supported by current image?
As i can see in OE firmware
getprop("") == "g18ref"
getprop("ro.product.device") == "g18ref"
getprop("") == "mx2ref"
getprop("ro.product.device") == "mx2ref");
it should be supported
I have same reports on S802 devices
hmm ok guys thanks for the feedback so M8 boxes have AP6330 chip. i will release a new image only for you and tell me if wifi is fixed.
OK! this is becoming more and more confusing for me now so from now on please when you report if your wifi and bluetooth is working or not i need your wifi chip name too so i keep track what i fix and what i break as i don't have your boxes and i am working blind here so help me out to help you.
New images are up kernel upgraded now there is a zip file so you can flash from android to LE easily.
HI i tried to install using .tar file from Nemesis 72 (openelec 16.0) and it says when updating then update was success but once it starts it shows openelec start screen and then goes to android recovery straight afterThis is the same case with one of my friend's box as well. Exact same thing updated from Nemesis 72
Please try to flash zip file from recovery then, your openelec upgrade system is not working as it still shows OE after update so it didnt update.
New images are up, people with AP6330 please test and report back
not found | | Download GApps, PA GApps, Roms, Kernels, Themes, Firmware and more. Free file hosting for all Android developers
New images coming soon
Its for allowing you to flash new S8X2 on S802 and transition to new rom
Sent from the Island of Venus.
I will investigate thanks for the report
Sent from the Island of Venus
Thanks for letting me know but I didn't read any reports for nand issues
Sent from the Island of Venus
Hi thanks for the update.I do not understand why i cannot install any another version apart from LibreELEC-S802.MXIII-1G.arm-8.0.RC4.img (but this gives me permission denied when i try installtointernal)
every other image gives me :
*** Error in mount_storage: mount_common: could not mount /flash/SYSTEM ***
### starting debugging shell... type exit to quit ###
sh: can't access tty. job control turned offi tried the latest LibreELEC-S8X2.arm-8.0.1-MXIII-1G.img still no luck
Your /SYSTEM partition is corrupted try a full wipe from recovery.
Sorry man I don't know as I don't have the box. If you don't mind flashing you can report your finding's here. Also if you tell me the name of the existing partition I can fix it in my source so you don't need to change the disk label name
Sent from the Island of Venus
Do you know there's already a build for MX2 (thread-4858.html)?Can you explain a little more what is different in this build? Maybe what works or what doesn't work for you on my build?
By looking at the source it seems it also needs the LIBREELEC_DISK label on storage partition to boot, right?
No need for partition renaming anymore i fixed the issue
New Images uploading that boot by default with out any renaming needed also i fixed CEC support
Edit: They are up! Enjoy
Anyone got a working Krypton build for the M8S+ please or anyone know if one of the existing Krypton builds out there will work?****** and ****** both stopped working on v16
Please help, happy to donate for a working build....Demetris??
I don't know but new images are up
Sent from the Island of Venus
There are some board files with heat sensor disabled look for them
Sent from the Island of Venus