If I have Libreelec DVB Drivers (7.0.2-dvbdrivers-1.66) and T230c working fine (dvb-c) on RPi2, do I need to update to this to: LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-7.90.009-4.9.0-testimage-for-not-working-tbs.img.gz
If I have Libreelec DVB Drivers (7.0.2-dvbdrivers-1.66) and T230c working fine (dvb-c) on RPi2, do I need to update to this to: LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-7.90.009-4.9.0-testimage-for-not-working-tbs.img.gz
It's posible that one stick can work great and one can't. I tried to use w_scan and windows apps and my stick fails to find any channel. So i can't confirm it is very good.
This is possible that you have broken stick. But on windows I couldn't find any channnels too for DVB-T or DVB-C network. Just with CrazyCat TBS drivers and tvheadend I found channels for DVB-C. I don't konw how looks with DVB-T because I have very weak signal.
OK we appear to be using the same card and mine works perfectly (im using the standard LibreELEC build for the time being).
T230c doesn't work out of the box with LibreELEC. Is necessary to install LibreELEC DVB Drivers CrazyCat.
Totosse, MyGiga T230c is VERY GOOD stick, probably is the best low price stick for DVB-C and DVB-T. I think your problem with this stick is configuration of your network, not stick itself.
I have Raspberry Pi2 working with Geniatech T230c on Libreelec with CrazyCat DVB drivers release. All working fine (DVB-C)
Is important to have correct settings from your TV provider. You need to have MUX frequency and QAM.
btw all images from is74.ru are not working for me
Me too.
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i finally connected t230c to tvheadend, but now it doesnt scan muxes.error is 2016-12-03 12:20:49.856 mpegts: 258MHz in inter - tuning on Silicon Labs Si2168 : DVB-C #02016-12-03 12:20:49.856 linuxdvb: Silicon Labs Si2168 : DVB-C #0 - failed to tune [e=Invalid argument]
i use settings from the provider :
my settings:
i left no auto options in settings and it still doesnt scan
On the last .jpg is unable to see frequency. But, I see that you have wrong number of symbol rate. You should have 6900000. Frequency should look: For e.g. 162MHz = 162000000, 170MHz = 170000000 etc.
Tvheadend working fine. I can watch all channels via web browser on second home computer directly from tvheadend server which is on Raspberry Pi2.
Problem is with LibreELEC/KODI. I can't watch TV directly on Raspberry Pi2, because I can't TURN ON "TV" option in preferences. All is installed - tvheadend server working, tvheadend RTSP Client is activated, but when I activate TV (System > preferences > LiveTV), nothing happen - is no "TV" on main bar. After reboot is message on main screen: "The PVR manager has been enabled without any enabled PVR add-on. Enable at least one add-on in order to use the PVR functionality"