Posts by kostaman

    The MINI MX ver. 1.0 (2GB/16GB) calls itself MINI MX-G.
    You can see it in the android system info.
    So I think MINI MX-G is a proper name for it and easier to use than MINI MX 2GB/16GB

    I have withdrawn the post with images.
    I am wrong about the box name.
    I just plugged in the 2gb box and it is in fact known as MINI MX 2GB/16GB

    Previous post i plugged in the 1gb box.

    I am confirmed AS GOING MAD.
    Apologies to all.

    kostaman This is from post #5. I don't check the names of boxes, I simply follow what users posted here.

    Thanks kszaq
    Google let me down and i thought it was my friend.

    I haven't taken a loot at this device tree as this is a tedious process: unpack transfer to my compile server, decompile to dts, compare pre-compiled dts... takes a lot of time and honestly I prefer spending my time on development and not comparing device trees. Take 3 factors into account: SoC (S905/S905X), RAM size and Ethernet speed. Then look for a device with similar specs.


    Thanks kszaq,
    Used the above device tree which worked. Thank you again.

    Device tree for MxMax 2G / 16G

    During my analysis of device tree I have noticed that many of them are very similar. I decided to not ask you for more device trees and instead I will compile the most common ones and include them in next build's download folder.

    Thanks kszaq
    When looking for a tree close to a box like the one i uploaded (MxMax 2G/16G) what suggestion would you advise if this devices tree wont be uploaded.

    I didn't ask for an ETA. I didn't complain about that its not working. I knew that it won't work for a while when buying the box.
    Nobody asked WHEN it will work.
    So why being so rude?

    Wanted just to know if he knows WHY, because kszaq said, he would need testers, because he doesn't own a 905x box.

    So I would not start to bother someone, as you did.
    But well, you seem to be in the right position to do that, I guess......

    Sorry if i sounded rude.
    Sincere apology.
    I think you have answered your own questions.

    unfortunately not.
    Tried with M8sII.

    But seems Kernel related?!

    at least kszaq could give more information about, why it's not working :)

    Guys you purchase a brand new chip s905X and anticipate it to work anytime soon ?
    Answer is "NO" it wont.
    The s905 has had more time out in the market so more developers have had time to iron out bugs.
    I dont believe the s905x has been out there long enough or is being worked on by enough Devs for it to progress with great speed.
    Be patient and the rule when buying a box with a new chip is be prepared to wait for fixes.
    I have an S905x box and it has gone in the drawer. Not even the stock Android works properly
    But i knew that when i purchased it. Personally the S905x is pretty useless considering it has no real advantages over the S905
    except for minor codec abilities. None are needed by me.
    Be patient it may or may not ever happen.

    Also, Fly Mouse buttons seems to have disconfigured.

    I have that Fly Mouse and not had any issues with Misconfigurations. Tried on 3 boxes.
    Yours looks very shiny though. Mine is matte dull finish so maybe different. C120 is my remote.
    These remotes are learned so maybe a USB issue ? Refresh rates are set in Android
    Turn OFF auto switch to best resolution in Android.

    It works great on my A95x (S905)

    Shutdown now works as it should (does not hang anymore).

    Prior to this new version kszaq was aware of this Nextbox A95X s905 1gb box not turning ON after power off in OE.
    Can you confirm that is still happening with your box ?
    I did the Update method which went well but i still have the power ON not working after powering off OE.
    If i boot into Android and power off it does power back on with the remote.
    I dont own this box but updated it for a family friend so i just need to know before i give it back.

    I have already included the patch for the next build, just noticed it at SPMC today morning. Thanks for the heads up.

    kszaq i have noticed in the latest "SPMC 16.4.2", whilst playing a video i can bring up Codec Info with the contextual/option button. Something usefull.

    The other thing i have noticed which may or may not be important is that whilst playing a video i can no longer hit the back button to go into system info or wherever which i used to do. Since the new SPMC if i hit back button during a video the video stops. I dont know what this means as far as memory or efficiency goes. It does mean a way to stop a video without bringing up OSD.
    Just putting it out there to let you know.

    Missed this reply and already flashed it. No Ethernet.
    Maybe name this box MiniM8sPro i knew something was a miss and sent my link of uploaded dtb


    Device tree above worked for the T95N MiniM8s Pro.

    I have tried BOTH update and fresh install methods. Both worked.

    Please everyone make a SIGNATURE similar to mine below to help kszaq and others to help you.
    We cant help if we dont know your box or OE and Android Versions.

    Thanks again kszaq i will test this new version and report back later.

    T95N-2G Mini M8s Pro. SD Fresh Install.
    Stuck on Android boot up logo.

    Toothpick method used.

    I supplied dtb.img for this box in device trees needed s905 post:

    Downloaded the device tree that was used for this box from below link.
    I hope this is the correct device tree ? Just trying to confirm.

    Fresh install replaced the device tree with the downloaded one.

    Running TWRP Recovery
    T95N-2G Mini M8s Pro
    Model : T95N-2G
    Kernel version: it01@ubuntu#3
    Sat Jul 9 17:49:49 CST 2016
    Build LMY47V.20160709 test-keys

    Guy worked on KI above link.
    Power off issue happens after 002 builds.
    Wifi drivers up to kszaq new future release.