Thanks guys for advice.
I got new problems trying to get what I want 
I created a LE card and went to livecd mint to try Yours advices but when I try to execute dd, terminal says "cant find such file or directory".
I moved sd uboot what works with my mini to boot partition of LE prepared SDCard (/dev/sdc1) and tried with dd.
" dd of=/dev/sdc1 conv=fsync bs=1 count=442"
and got "cant find such file or directory".
What do I do wrong? Maybe LiveCD does not works properly?
Can You guys explain for me, for real newbie step-by-step, how to write uboot to sd card contains LE?
P.S. kszaq jestes moze z Polski?
I did manage to write u-boot to LE prepared sd card, and it works! (My knowledge about linux is so poor..., I forgot to mount folder first
Thank You for your help!
EDIT 2: Maybe wrong place to ask for it but, if LibreELEC works on sd, is there any possibility to write on sd card stock firmware from MINI and boot from it?