Posts by valmadiaz

    Does any one have also a similar problem with an nvidia graphic card? I have a GeForce 9300M GS with an Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P8600.
    I am running LE 7.90.008 and the tearing is awful in HD videos. Before I had the stable 7.0.2 without any tearing in any videos.

    As there is no glamor acceleration option in the nvidia or nvidia legacy config file, the problem might be totally different but the effect you describe
    seam to be the same.

    I will check it in the following beta and will open a new threat if the problem still exist. It's is probably unrelated.
    (Without any hardware acceleration it works fine.)

    It worked!

    Just a note for people with the same problem, I have to connect to internet first for the connection tab to show stuff. Also, the Tvheadend seems to boot a lot slower when booted offline. It took me about a minute for the TV tab to pop up.

    For me it is still not working.
    As you suggested I set my connection type to manual. But the only difference is that LE boots a little bit slower.
    The connection to is still not working when there is no network connection.

    I' am using an older HP laptop with LE 7.0.2, Tvheadend 4.2 (7.0.102), Tvheadend HTSP Client 2.2.15.
    The log is in the attachment.

    If I turn on the network after LE is started, Tvheadend is still not connection. Although the internet connection on LE is working.
    The connection from other kodi clients is also not working. And also Tvheadend is not reachable over the web interface.
    Only the ssh connection to LE is working at this point.

    With a network connection at startup everything works fine.

    I have made some additional tests.
    - With Tvheadend 4.0 the problem remains.
    - Also in LE v7.90.008 the problem still exists.
    - I changed the IP to check that it is really static and defined by LE.

    It seems like an old bug (static IP is not related to this problem)