Can confirm that the dtb works, tried on my LE 912 box. Thanks a ton.
Posts by extremeaudio
Sorry, I didn't mean to off-topic. As far as I remember, the T95Z Plus has the same ZTE chip instead of Realtek GbE.
Regarding this, I sent a DTB patch to chewitt a few years ago (including LED GPIOs and VFD display), and it was included, sometime around the LE11 test versions. However, since then this DTB has completely disappeared from the current AMLGX images.
The Ethernet patch was based on this:…for-kernel-530/I've since checked, and the Ethernet chip of T95Z Plus is exactly the same as yours:
Any chance I can get that dtb?
Thanks for this, but my original query was pertaining to the non working lan on the box.
Hello, gentle bump!
Thanks. The log omits most of the early boot, but there's an ID clue about the Ethernet device and that allowed me to dredge up some older threads in the LE/CE forums. It seems to have a problem ZTE chip and I'm not sure support for this has ever been fully resolved, but it gives me some ideas to test. I'm away for a few days but will have a look a custom device-tree later next week.
^ that's the important bit
Hi, any luck? Also, would it be possible to install LE to internal? Can I try with installtointernal command?
I'm away for a few days but will have a look a custom device-tree later next week.
Thank you, much appreciated.
Full board photos attached as requested.
Kodi log of working CE unit is here -
Pic attached.
Dont know if it helps, but the ethernet port definitely used to work properly when I used to use the box with Coreelec and the gxm_q200_2g.dtb or 201 dtb (one of the 2)
Hello! Can someone pls help
Oops, sorry about that. Please see the new log as below.
Log is attached
Also, there is no playback post seeking in 4K HDR video. Not solved yet?
I am using a Tanix T95 ZMax S912 with the latest nightly. Everything works except the ethernet. I am using the qxm 201 dtb.
If I use the qxm 200 then I get a Failed to start ethmactool-config.service at the bootsplash screen and I cant even start the Wired Networks option in LE settings.Any suggestions? Would have liked to have gbit lan connection.
Going quite crazy with this. I have set music playback to crossfade tracks with an overlap of 8 seconds. But there is an audio drop out randomly, just before the 8 sec crossover point, so maybe at around 10-11 sec before the first track is set to end. This is also not very predictable. Happens sometimes and doesnt on some other ocassions.
In the debug log attached, the audio drop out did indeed occur towards the end of the session when the track changed.
Please help
Hi I installed libreelec on the T95Z max S912 box but cant get remote to work. Anyone has a working remote.conf file for this? And it has to be placed in the configuration directory, right?
Dont know if it matters, but I have another box with coreelec installed on it and also the remote.conf file for it. While that works on Coreelec, I tried copying it on the LE system but that doesnt work.
Hi, I created the swap file. And then deleted the file. But my sd card is still smaller in size as much as the swap size chosen, how do I reclaim the space now that swap file is deleted?
extremeaudio what happens if you force ethernet to 100-BaseT speeds?
how do I do that ?
btw: on your image , HEVC 4k video stutters like crazy on my box.