NB: The security benefits of hidden WiFi are zero because periodic re-authentications made by connected devices in normal use leak the SSID to anyone with a network sniffer/cracking app and WEP
securitywill inconvenience the same cracking app for no more than 300 seconds. Hacking your network is kindergarten stuff for any security researcher or script kiddie with a copy of Kali Linux. WPA2 is considered secure; so use it.
I agree with you in all, but unfortunally i have to set wep for old device and hidden ssid is better than nothin... Anyway, maybe i found my problem: ch 13. Is there's any way to change pi settings (I've notice that raspi-config doesn't t exist)?
Read the specifications of the RPi3 and you'll have your answer.
helpfull! thx for the brillant message! i'm going to find information that i haven't still found....