i try to play a radio stream via favorites and kodi freezes completely.
<favourite name="FluxFM - Livestream" thumb="https://static.radio.de/images/broadcasts/01/ee/2226/1/c175.png">PlayMedia ("http://streams.fluxfm.de/live/mp3-128/raspberry/")</favourite>
If i remove the last slash in the url it works now but no artist/title info then.
If i open the same url via Windows/MPC-BE it starts immediately with artist/title info!
Debug log with audio component too..nothing more relevant i think but i can send full log also or another one.
2022-02-10 11:22:14.139 T:730 DEBUG <general>: CurlFile::Open - <http://streams.fluxfm.de/live/mp3-128/raspberry/>
2022-02-10 11:22:14.139 T:730 DEBUG <general>: easy_acquire - Created session to http://streams.fluxfm.de
2022-02-10 11:22:15.856 T:730 DEBUG <general>: CCurlFile::Open - <http://streams.fluxfm.de/live/mp3-128/raspberry/> Effective URL is http://fluxfm.streamabc.net/flx-fluxfmberlin-mp3-128-5859035?sABC=6204r757%230%23p829sq5379p0ss1nq24o8q36ssp4r6n2%23enfcoreel&amsparams=playerid:raspberry;skey:1644488535
Raspberry 4B, LibreELEC (community): nightly-20220206-3995212 (RPi4.arm) via cable LAN.