Posts by basn

    I don´t know. But probably explain the problem you have with the current build on a seperated thread. If the problem still exists on Kodi 17b6, too, we could discuss more then.

    Yeah only happened to me once or twice but i saw it was an known issue with playback on raspberry so i didnt really bother more.

    That´s actually the newest. You are using 7.90.008. Kodi 17b6 will be on 7.90.009. But we have to do some more tests before offering that version.

    Sweet, how long do you think it will be before? i am having some minor playback issue on 7.90.008 on raspberry but looks like they fixed it in Beta 6

    That doesn't make any sense. Do you mean ethernet cable?

    Nope, not ethernet... wifi so i changed the hdmi cable and its been more stable.

    Still got drops with:brcmfmac: brcmf_cfg80211_reg_notifier: not a ISO3166 code (0x30 0x30)

    but its more stable then before the old not so shielded hdmi cable.

    I think i have to do some tweaking in advanced settings, but i haven't gotten around to it yet.
    I don't have anything on my lan but the speed to the site is good ~12mb/s

    its hard to use other sources, due to being on other site.
    NFS and SMB is not encrypted, i have my storage in another place.

    I got 100mbit fiber and its located in another house with 1gbit, so i rather have its running over SSHFS since its great and nothing extra to install.

    Options for the Realtek 8192cu driver won't change a thing on a Broadcom based Wifi chipset.

    Just posting that you get an error without telling what exactly the error message says is quite useless, better yet provide full logs and not only snippets.

    Hm, maybe i found the wrong then... i was looking at alot of topics.. :( (but its been more stable for me somehow?)


    New user coming from OpenElec, i have tried similar distros but i like Libre and the community looks better.

    I got a big problem with them all, sshfs is laggy.
    It works when i use the sshfs thats normal but not the one in Kodi.
    Since i came from OpenElec i still have the normal one but its really buggy and i have to unmount/mount everyday.
    Also does not work as it did with my last install (intelpc vs the new rasp pi3).

    Does anyone have this same issue and how did you solve it?

    Thanks for reading.