Posts by gujal

    I added the controller file & the GUID so it should work out of the box in future builds. What games did you run for example? I only have an arcade set and this runs all games fine but there are no coleco games included.

    Which games do you play and what emulator do you us

    Basically try to run games in ES because the emulators tied to the systems should work. If you want to use RA check your es_systems.cfg in \\your-device\Configfiles\emulationstation to see what emulator is chosen for each platform.

    I run all games under ES only. I don't start RA or any other emulator manually

    I have relevant roms copied to the /storage/roms/<paltform> folder and they are sensed correctly by ES and I run from there

    I have the following working correctly




    MAME 2003


    ZX Spectrum

    I have tried these three but havent got it to work yet

    FBA (Colecovision, Sega 32x&Megadrive, etc)

    Amiga (the whole system hangs on launching amiga roms, have to powercycle)

    ScummVM (may be it is not supported on the Amlogic build as it doesnt even shows under ES)

    DonkeyKong and Digdug are colecovision games but they also work under MAME, so not a issue. However megadrive (Sega Arcade) is supported on FBA which I havent got it to work as the FBA core isnt running the roms on Amlogic. Will have to see if they work on x86

    So you've got a PS4 slim & the matching controller? Thats what your system detects:

    So Retroarch would look for a controller with the input_vendor_id = "1356" & input_product_id = "2508"

    I have no clue why your controller is not working the because there are already 3 config files with matching IDs. Maybe it's because the name differs :/

    So you could try to add a file Sony-PS4-DS4v2-Controller.cfg to \\phoenix\Configfiles\retroarch\autoconfig with this content hastebin which is basically this one sony-playstation4-dualshock4v2-controller.cfg with different input_device name.

    You can also try this: Dualshock 4 crazy-fast, repeating controls - Lakka - Libretro Forums then you need something like WinSCP and delete the files in /tmp/autoconfig before you create your config file.

    I don't have a PS4, I bought a PS4 DS4v2 controller just to use with LE RR :thumbup:

    Okay, so I had to do two things.
    1. Edit the stock es_input.cfg and insert the codes for the new deviceGUID. This makes the controller work inside EmulationStation

    2. Create Sony-PlayStation4-DualShock4v2-Controller-Bluetooth.cfg file and copy it to /storage/.config/retroarch/autoconfig/udev

    Restarted the box and now the controller.cfg file shows up along with all the other controller configs in /tmp/autoconfig/udev.

    And the controller now works perfectly inside both emulation station and retroarch with keyboard attached.

    I have attached both files (had to add .txt for attaching, please remove .txt), so you can include them in the next release if possible, so the new DS4v2 controller will work out of the box for everyone ;)

    Thanks a lot for your patience and helpful instructions, it is now working great.

    PS: in FBA core I tried with ROMs but they dont start. I am just trying a couple of coleco roms. Do I need to put any BIOS file anywhere?

    Have you all bios files? Atari - 5200 (Atari800) - Libretro Docs

    Well I guess Sony made some changes so your controller is slightly diffrent & not recognized correctly. Can you reboot your system, log into a terminal & enter dmesg | paste then upload the link? I can try to check if they changed the vendor or product id.

    Here is the dmesg output

    Here is contents of bios directory

    # ls -l /storage/roms/bios
    total 51
    -rwxr--r--    1 root     root          2048 Mar  7  1997 5200.ROM
    -rwxr--r--    1 root     root          8192 Mar 10  1996 ATARIBAS.ROM
    -rwxr--r--    1 root     root         10240 Jun 21  1999 ATARIOSA.ROM
    -rwxr--r--    1 root     root         10240 Mar 10  1996 ATARIOSB.ROM
    -rwxr--r--    1 root     root         16384 Mar 10  1996 ATARIXL.ROM

    EDIT : I found a /storage/.atari800.cfg file. I opened it and edited the following line and added the BIOS files there. I have only shown the lines that I edited. Atari5200 emulator works after that


    You have to start the atari800/5200 and set it to 5200 in it's core options. Start again & it should work.

    Can you disconnect your controller and run retroarch just with the kb connected to see if it this works? From my experience not input is recognized at all if the controller cfg file is wrong mapped. Can you state your detailed model number of the controller?

    Thanks for the quick response

    1. Yes I have setup 5200 in the core options for the particular game. It still says no os rom. Will dig further and report back

    2. Once retroarch starts, i switched off the ps4 controller, then kbd starts working and I could go into the quick menu and change controller 1 to retropad-analog or kempston or vice and then turn on the controller again and then both kbd and controller work.

    The model number of the Sony Controller is CUH-ZCT2E


    I have installed LibreELEC-S905.arm-9.0-RR-201847-b559485-Beta16.img.gz on a Samsung EVO 32GB MicroSD and running it on a Wechip V5 S905X based device.

    It boots fine and kodi works fine

    I have a Genuine Sony PS4 Bluetooth Controller and that is paired fine with LE. I also have a usb keyboard plugged in

    When I start Emulationstation it finds the ROMS and lists the platforms correctly. I have a snes rom, a sinclair rom and a c64 rom installed for testing.

    In Emulationstation both the keyboard and PS4 Controller work fine.

    When I launch any of the roms it fires up retroarch and runs the rom correctly, the music/sound is working fine.

    However both the usb keyboard and ps4 controller dont work inside retroarch.

    Please let me know what needs to be done to get the controller+keyboard working inside retroarch

    Also please let me know where should I put the ATARI5200 BIOS files. I put them in the /storage/roms/bios folder but it still says "Atari800/OS Emulation Halted"



    I recently upgraded my MX-III 2GB/8GB (S802 AP6330) unit which was running LibreELEC-S8X2.arm-8.0.2-S82 with the following file


    The upgrade went fine and the system is running fine mostly, however there are a couple of issues

    1. Bluetooth does not work. This is the same unit for which you fixed the BT support a while ago here. The Bluetooth menu reports "No Bluetooth Adapter Found"
    2. CPU runs at 100% and on connecting to the box over ssh and running top, I noticed that the process brcm_patchram_plus is the culprit taking one cpu (of the 4 available) to 100% utilization. I can kill the process and then unit performs normally until the next reboot

    Can you please advice how to fix the two little issues. Let me know if you would like to see any logs and I will upload them.

    Thanks a lot for keeping these old little boxes still going strong.


    Been using your builds for a while now on my MX-III 2GB (S802 based)

    I have been using S82 images on them flawlessly, everything works including bluetooth and wifi up until 8.2RC1

    On 8.2RC2 and RC3, the power off function is messed up. I can reboot correctly, but cannot power off.

    On Selecting the Poweroff, the system goes immediately into standby. if powered on again by remote, it powers up for may be a couple of seconds and then goes standby again. After a couple of tries of this, it comes out of standby.

    Secondly the CPU runs at 100% and on connecting to the box over ssh and running top, I noticed that the process

    brcm_patchram_plus is the culprit taking one cpu (of the 4 available) to 100% utilization.

    Please let me know if you have time to look at this. Let me know if you would like to see any logs and I will upload them.

    Thanks for keeping these old little boxes still going strong.

    kostaman, did you ever get an answer to your question?

    I've just finished reading 58 pages. I have cut and pasted numerous posts on how to install and run this build on an SD card so that I can try to make sense of it and I have to say its very confusing.

    My box is an MXIII-G 2/8. It ran great on Wilro's build (Freaktab) and unfortunately I wiped that SD card for Balbes's build and cannot seem to get it working again.

    balbes150's script does not work for me and I am not confident with this one.

    Toothpick method needs LE7 built by Drieschel. Once you have done that, it is just a matter of uploading Demetris built tar file into the upgrade directory, create a .nocompat file and reboot.

    If your smartphone is Android based, use this to control your libreelec


    or if you are using an iOS device, then use this
