Posts by soder

    No lines, --incomplete-dir option.

    In settings.json there's two lines about this feature. One line is the path, one line if this feature is enabled or not.


    Yes, but transmission is started with --incomplete-dir, which overrides settings.json.
    Writing a fix.

    Great. If it's not to much to ask, I would love an option to delay the start up to wait for network mounts.

    I always edit the startup script for transmission with a "sleep 20". Otherwise all my torrents are stopped after a reboot, since all the paths are gone.

    No big deal though...


    No, /storage/.cache/transmission is not used.
    Take a backup, nevertheless.

    Set the directories via the addon-settings.

    The web interface is rather unpredictable, and sometimes fails to store settings.
    Edit settings.json instead

    I've edited the settings file. Still after reboot not right.

    This is what I did.
    nano ~/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.transmission/settings.json

    Change "incomplete-dir-enabled": true,
    to "incomplete-dir-enabled": false,

    Then reboot. After reboot it's back to "true".


    Are you sure that the /storage/.cache/transmission never is being used with this version of the addon?

    I'm about to make a switch, and when I change settings Transmission GUI about stuff like incomplete dirs, it's not saved after a reboot. Other settings I can change, but not that about the incomplete dirs.

    It's things like that that didn't work before custom path to settings file in the other Transmission addons to.


    Both the Milhouse and the Thoradia Transmission add-on provide the same version of Transmission.
    These add-ons are however distinct, use distinct settings and can coexist, provided they use distinct directories and ports.
    Thoradia add-ons are available for all LibreELEC 8.0 releases and feature automatic update.

    Hmm, I don't really get what you mean with "distinct". If I got Milhouse version installed and running, and got the settings file in ~/.cache/transmission, can I then just install the Transmission version from the Thoradia "repo", or do I have to uninstall the old, and save the ~/.cache/transmission folder and my edited transmission startup scripts?

    EDIT: I just installed the Transmission version from your "repo" after backing up my other version. After installing it, it just like you said was installed as a 2nd version of Transmission in Kodi/LibreELEC.
    I noticed in the config of the addon it was missing the settings about a custom settings file, something that Milhouse version got, that is a "rest" from the OpenELEC version. Before that option came, there was always some problems with updated, if you wanted to use custom settings with your Transmission.


    Simply install an add-on from the appropriate zip file. Further add-ons can then be installed from the repository.

    OK, manual installation from the zip then. From what repository? Not the default LibreELEC repo I guess? "Each add-on behaves as an add-on repository, from which further add-ons may be installed."

    Also, are this Transmission addon newer then the one from this url? Index of /builds/addons/Generic/transmission

    Can I install this Transmission addon, and it will update my Milhouse version, keeping my torrents and all that?


    1) no
    2) no
    3) yes
    4) use Hyperion instead.

    4. I've started to look in to Hyperion.
    Do you use the Hyperion service for LibreELEC and the Kodi addon from the Hyperion site, or only the service?

    I can get it to "work" if using the Kodi addon too, but not with just the service.

    I understand that it should work with only the service itself, and not like BobLight, that hade to use both the daemon (service) AND a addon for the grabber.

    Can you please give me some more information?


    A couple of days ago I added the to the "After" section and sort to the options, but it hasn't made a difference.

    Just for you info, there is "soft" in the option, not "sort". Is that right? And is <user> and <pass> right?

    And, do you use Transmission?


    I got a LG 4K-TV. I want to have Kodi running 1080p@60Hz in the menus. I set it in the settings, and I also adjust it to the movie I watch. If I play a 23.96Hz I switch to that, and then back to 60Hz when I stop.

    I can also start a [email protected] movie, and the screen changes to [email protected] during the movie, and then back to 1080p@60Hz.

    But, sometimes, if I reboot LibreELEC from Kodi, or with "reboot" in ssh terminal, Kodi starts in 2160p@24Hz. I kind of get it, because it's the native resolution of the TV (and I had the same problem with my old 1024x768 TV to, where it wanted to start in the "native" 720p (I know, not native, but the TV had 720p as standard) rather than what I prefered 1080p).

    So, can I have Kodi or LibreELEC to really do this?


    I'm having the same problem. I wrote a thread here. LibreELEC

    What I noticed is that it happens when I run Transmission (I know, not supported...), and I guess it fails because Transmission I'm some way is using the disks when I want to do a reboot...

    How I fix this I don't know..and maybe isn't a Transmission problem, and maybe you don't even use Transmission


    Wow... Such a "strong" community here...

    For those having problems with Transmission with Librelec on RPi (obviously most of people land on this page after search), here's a quick solution for you:
    1. Download relevnat .service file from here
    2. In terminal SSH to your RPi and paste these two commands

    mkdir /storage/.kodi/addons/service.downloadmanager.transmission/lib
    cp /usr/lib/ /storage/.kodi/addons/service.downloadmanager.transmission/lib/

    3. Enjoy.


    I've installed Transmission this way, but for the Generic version for my NUC. It works well, BUT, I got problem during reboot of the htpc. You can read about it in this thread. LibreELEC

    The problem is that during a reboot I got some failure messages on the screen, delaying the process with the reboot. The failures are my mounts I've done. I got 6 hdd's mounted, and on reboot some or all fails unmounting.

    I did some tests, and it's because of Transmission is running. I guess Transmission in some way is using the hdd during the reboot and it fails.

    Is there a way to have Transmission stopped first, before the disk unmounting that happens automatically when I in a terminal (ssh) type "reboot" or I in Kodi go for a reboot?

    Maybe something like this? NFS automount + transmission race condition on shutdown/reboot - Help and Support - OSMC Forums



    I did some thinking, and thought that my problem could have something to do with my Transmission running.

    I renamed the start script for Transmission and rebooted, and then rebooted again. Then I got no failures and the reboot went through in about 10-20 seconds.

    So, what can I do then? Is there a way to have Transmission stop first?

    Maybe it's something like this.. NFS automount + transmission race condition on shutdown/reboot - Help and Support - OSMC Forums


    What happens if you unmount them via

    systemctl stop nameofmy.mount

    Then check

    systemctl status nameofmy.mount

    Also, why are you mounting things in /var/media? Why not mount them into /storage/something???

    I use /media since when I had a HTPC with 4 hdd's. The hdd1 was also the one OpenELEC was installed, and I wanted the rest of the 1TB be where the other hdd's was, and that was in /media, since the other where mounted there automatically. When I then also had a NAS, I mounted them to /media.

    I'm now on a NUC, with a small ssd, and I still use my old HTPC as a "server", and from an old habit I want to mount all disks to the NUC at /media.

    About the "stop" and "status".

    ● media-hdd6.mount - cifs mount hdd6 script
    Loaded: loaded (/storage/.config/media-hdd6.mount; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active: inactive (dead) since Tue 2016-11-01 09:24:16 CET; 11s ago
    Where: /media/hdd6
    What: //
    Process: 28533 ExecUnmount=/bin/umount /media/hdd6 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

    ● media-hdd5.mount - cifs mount hdd5 script
    Loaded: loaded (/storage/.config/media-hdd5.mount; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active: inactive (dead) since Tue 2016-11-01 09:24:16 CET; 4min 22s ago
    Where: /media/hdd5
    What: //

    I don't know what to look for. I see a Process on hdd6, but not on the other, but there's also this line:
    "Warning: Journal has been rotated since unit was started. Log output is incomplete or unavailable."

    When I now go to /media, all the hdd1-hdd6 folders are there, but only hdd6 is empty. The other seems to still work.

    Can it be something with "username=user,password=" I use in the .mount? Should that be something else?
