Posts by kmihmisc

    It's not even running LibreELEC

    I am running Raspbian Jessie LITE with KODI Jarvis V16 updated by doing a "apt-get" from I was under the impression that the people who wrote LibreElec were also involved in the KODI / Raspberry Jessie Lite project. Please correct me if I am wrong. Is this an issue that should be reviewed by the Raspberry Jessie LITE or KODI project developers?

    My apologies for the delay. My day job kept me very busy. I have a few kodi log files. The location of my kodi log files are different than the regular location because I am running LibreElec from Raspberry Lite (please see my initial/original post for update details).
    3 kodi.log files are attached.
    kodi.log is from user root.
    kodi.old.log is from user pi and username was changed to kodi.
    userpi.kodi.log is from user pi and username was changed to kodi

    I uploaded the log files as requested. Any fix?

    I disconnected the peripherals such as the USB drive, WiFi dongle, keyboard, mouse and then finally disconnected the USB hub - one by one - and retried more than 50 times. It crashes after showing the Jarvis splash/logo screen and briefly showing the GUI background image. Now, it stays off after crashing a few times. It does not try to reboot again and again into an infinite loop anymore.

    BTW, I am a hobbyist and not getting paid for this. So, my sincere apologies if I cannot respond to the postings in this forum right away due to my day job.

    Any fix?

    Thanks. I'll send you the info in a few days.

    My apologies for the delay. My day job kept me very busy. I have a few kodi log files. The location of my kodi log files are different than the regular location because I am running LibreElec from Raspberry Lite (please see my initial/original post for update details).
    3 kodi.log files are attached.
    kodi.log is from user root.
    kodi.old.log is from user pi and username was changed to kodi.
    userpi.kodi.log is from user pi and username was changed to kodi

    can you unplug the usb drive, let it boot up so kodi is running, then plug the usb drive back in?

    I disconnected the peripherals such as the USB drive, WiFi dongle, keyboard, mouse and then finally disconnected the USB hub - one by one - and retried more than 50 times. It crashes after showing the Jarvis splash/logo screen and briefly showing the GUI background image. Now, it stays off after crashing a few times. It does not try to reboot again and again into an infinite loop anymore.

    BTW, I am a hobbyist and not getting paid for this. So, my sincere apologies if I cannot respond to the postings in this forum right away due to my day job.

    What happens when you run the script manually?


    I deleted the /storage/.config/udev.rules.d/99-usb-play.rules file and also the /storage/ file and then I was able to boot.
    I SSH to LibreElec and then re-created everything from scratch.
    Then I ran the file as you instructed. I made sure both file permissions were 777.
    It automatically ran the contents from the USB drive fine which is a success.
    However, the mini sub-window (pop-up) that appears after inserting a USB drive asking me to play video, audio etc. from the newly inserted drive remained on the screen. I had to click on cancel for that to go away. There should be a way to suppress that sub-window (pop-up) when running fully peripheral-less.
    Then I rebooted.
    It went back to the infinite loop of booting up to the Jarvis logo and then crashing again and again.
    I kept it on for 10 minutes and it never stopped crashing and rebooting.
    Same crashing issue as mentioned before.

    You mucked something. Or you have files on your drive that crash kodi. Unplug all usb drives and SD cards and see if you think still crashes. If it does then something else is wrong that isn't related to this script.

    Re-tested and eliminated all other possible issues from the equation. Still crashes and then reboots even when running headless or running with HDMI video out only and no extra peripherals.

    A question for you: What does Raspbian Jessie Lite or Pipplware have to do with LibreELEC?

    I thought that info maybe useful for debugging. I removed Kodi/LibreElec V15 and installed V16 which is not officially available for Raspbian Jessie Lite. Someone setup the Pipplware repository and created the Kodi/LibreElec V16 package. These are important information to know if you are seriously trying to troubleshoot. I am hoping actual Kodi/LibreElec developers are reading this forum.

    I created the files and copied the code and changed the permissions exactly as you wrote (copy-paste). Now, Kodi Libreelec goes into an infinite loop of booting and going all the way up to showing the Jarvis wallpaper and then crashing and automatically rebooting.
    Then I changed the IF - FI loop so it does not look for the "kodi.playme" file in the USB drive.
    It did not change anything. Still crashing and rebooting.
    Any suggestions?

    MP4 files are not playing properly from USB drives. The exact same file would play much better directly from the SD drive. This issue is very clear for HD MP4 which are 720p or 1080p. I get a green screen, ghost artifacts, sync issues, longer loading time etc. Youtube plugin videos have similar issues as well.
    I read the forum and others had similar issues with playing MP4 files from USB drive. For some people it plays audio only etc. Tweaking the "hardware acceleration" and unchecking omxplayer acceleration fixed some issues, but not all. Some people had permissions issue for MP4 files as well which were fixed by using chmod.
    BTW, I am using Raspberry Pi Zero with Raspbian Jessie Lite for this experiment and downloaded the latest Kodi Jarvis V16 which came from the repository. Jessie LITE does not auto-mount USB or anything.
    V16 from pipplware is much better than Kodi V15 which can be obtained directly from doing a regular apt-get from Jessie LITE without adding the repository. V16 from repository plays MP4 better, but, not as good as the standalone Kodi/Libreelec release specially made for Rpi0 with minimal OS.
    So, the Jessie LITE with KODI Jarvis V16 obtained by doing a "apt-get" from is better than V15 but not as good as the latest KODI standalone for RPi0.
    Now back to the original issue:
    Since the exact same file plays better from the SD card than the USB drive, is it a USB card vs. SD card data I/O "speed" issue or am I mounting the USB drive wrong? Have you seen this issue? Any fix?
    I added the following to \etc\fstab and I did not use UUID because I use many random USB drives and hubs where UUID changes.

    /dev/sda1  /mnt/usb1  vfat  nofail,auto,noatime,rw,user   0   0
    /dev/sda2  /mnt/usb2  vfat  nofail,auto,noatime,rw,user   0   0

    I also did the following:
    sudo chown -R pi:pi /mnt/usb1 (repeated this for both /mnt/usb1 and /mnt/usb2)
    sudo chmod -R 777 /mnt/usb1 (repeated for both usb1 and usb2)
    sudo setfacl -Rdm g:pi:rwx /mnt/usb1 (repeated for both usb1 and usb2)
    sudo setfacl -Rm g:pi:rwx /mnt/usb1 (repeated for both usb1 and usb2)

    AVI plays OK. MKV is OK most of the time depends on CODEC used.

    I'm not commenting on the wisdom of this - I do plenty of hacks that would probably be considered unwise and certainly unsupported. But you don't need to do anything special - just browse to the first partition and add as a source in videos or music.
    To find it:
    Add videos > Browse > root filesystem > flash > [your media folders]

    I appreciate your comment and I know USB solution is great. However, I am taking a "one memory card" approach with no other hardware attached to the Raspberry Pi Zero. If I can just drop all files on a location on the SD card directly from a Windows computer and then just plug it in to the Pi Zero and it starts playing movies automatically that would be ideal for me.
    I tried going to the location you mentioned but I saw none of my files that were one the first fat32 boot partition of the SD card there. Maybe it is my mistake. I will try to use the "file explorer" under "system" and see if I have better luck.

    Don't do that. You are working around a problem that doesn't exist.

    Either format a seperate USB drive as exfat so it can mount in windows and in LibreELEC


    Copy files from windows to LibreELEC using the SMB shares. see, Accessing LibreELEC - LibreELEC

    I am running libreelec without a network, so, no SMB. I am also not using a USB hub, so no USB drives. I want to use one 8gb or 16gb SD card and have two partitions in it. The first fat32 partition can be adjusted to be Windows readable and I want to copy media files onto that partition and play media content.
    is there a solution for my setup?

    I took the 4G SD card that I used for libreelec kodi Jarvis running on Raspberry Pi zero and re-partitioned the fat16 boot and ext4 data partitions. First, I used gparted to move and resize the ext4 partition. The ext4 is now 550MB in size. Then I copied all the files from the fat16 boot partition, deleted the fat16 partition, and then resized it to 3.2GB fat32. Then recopied all boot files back to the newly created fat32 partition. Windows can read the fat32 partition fine and I can copy media files directly from Windows to the newly created 3.2GB SD card partition.
    Libreelec Kodi Jarvis boots up fine. However, I cannot locate the files in the fat32 boot partition using kodi libreelec. I check /dev/mmXXXX and /storage/XXX - they are not auto-mounted anywhere. I cannot even locate the 1st fat32 partition using the "file manager" under "system" and going to the root file system.
    I am trying to do the following:
    I want the newly expanded fat32 boot partition to auto-mount at /storage/sdcard or in my home directory every time I restart the system and the name of the SD card should show up under Video or Music like it does for USB thumb drives.
    How can I do it?