Posts by Libertine

    Running "find / -name remote.conf" will find it in OE, if it exists. Any OE build for thoses boxes is likely to be a custom build with it embedded rather than something user-configured.

    Many thanks for all your help. I finally found the remote.conf file in \root\etc. This is now working perfectly :)

    Hi, I have a Venz v3 with OpenElec installed and would like to run LibreElec form an SD card on this box. The problem I have is that the remote doesn't work and I can't find the remote.conf file anywhere? Has anyone got a copy of this fro a Venz V3 or the stock android firmware so I can extract this please?

    Just to clarify...

    1. You have openelec installed, and are running libreelec from sd card?
    2. Your remote works in openelec but not in libreelec?
    3. When you run libreelec there's no remore.conf file in the configfiles share (/storage/.config/remote.conf).

    If all 3 are a 'yes' then it should just be a case of pulling your sd card, booting openelec looking in the configfiles share for remote.conf and copying it to eg your pc, then running libreelec and pasting it in.

    If all 3 aren't 'yes' then you need to clarify exactly what's on your box / what's on your sd card / what works / what doesn't.

    All 3 are correct and that's exactly what I tried to do but there's no remote.conf file in configfiles folder with openelec running? The only remote file I can find with openelec running is in the Userdata\keymaps folder?
    If there isn't a remote.conf file in Openelec how is the remote working if that's whats required?

    AFAIK - and I might be wrong - the only place you're going to find a remote.conf file on openelec is in the configfiles folder (ie storage/.config/remote.conf).
    If it isn't there I think your best bet might be to search the internet / ask here / look/ask on freaktab. You need the original remote.conf from android, or one that someone has working on openelec / libreelec on the same box.
    Worst case is re-install android to get it from there.
    As I said though, might be wrong - maybe someone can confirm / rubbish that.

    Do you still have openelec installed?

    Yes i have openelec installed but the only remote file i can find is in userdata/keymaps, and its the .xml file not the .conf.

    .configfiles does not contain any remote files at all?

    Follow this instrucctions to get the remote.conf from your android system.


    If not works post your remote.conf

    Also please post any details about your device (S805, S905) and the version of LibreElec installed

    Thanks CGarces but I am still stuck.

    My device is a Venz V3 box with S805 and the version of Librelec installed is 2016-10-13:

    The remote.xml file is below

    <!-- Mappings for The Little Black Box Remote -->
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <power>ActivateWindow(ShutdownMenu)</power> <!-- Button 01 : Power -->
    <f10>Mute</f10> <!-- Button 02 : Mute -->
    <rewind>SkipPrevious</rewind> <!-- Button 03 : SkipPrevious -->
    <play_pause>Play</play_pause> <!-- Button 04 : Play/Pause -->
    <f7>SkipNext</f7> <!-- Button 05 : SkipNext -->
    <f9>RunScript(service.openelec.settings)</f9> <!-- Button 06 : WiFi -->
    <f3>Rewind</f3> <!-- Button 07 : Rewind -->
    <f8>Stop</f8> <!-- Button 08 : Stop -->
    <fastforward>FastForward</fastforward> <!-- Button 09 : FastForward -->
    <menu>ActivateWindow(PlayerControls)</menu> <!-- Button 10 : Menu -->
    <!-- <>mouse on/off</> --> <!-- Button 11 : Mouse (not available for keycode) -->
    <settings>ActivateWindow(Settings)</settings> <!-- Button 12 : Settings/wheel -->
    <escape>Back</escape> <!-- Button 13 : Back -->
    <f12>VolumeUp</f12> <!-- Button 19 : Vol+ -->
    <f11>VolumeDown</f11> <!-- Button 20 : Vol- -->
    <pageup>PageUp</pageup> <!-- Button 21 : PG Up+ -->
    <pagedown>PageDown</pagedown> <!-- Button 22 : PG Down- -->
    <f4>ActivateWindow(Home)</f4> <!-- Button 23 : Home -->
    <f1>ContextMenu</f1> <!-- Button 24 : Context Menu -->
    <music>ActivateWindow(Music,musicdb://,return)</music> <!-- Button 28 : Music -->
    <movies>ActivateWindow(Videos,videodb://movies/,return)</movies> <!-- Button 32 : Movies -->
    <series>ActivateWindow(Videos,videodb://tvshows/,return)</series> <!-- Button 36 : Series -->
    <help>Info</help> <!-- Button 37 : Info -->
    <backspace>Back</backspace> <!-- Button 39 : Back -->
    <f2>ActivateWindow(pictures,return)</f2> <!-- Button 40 : Pictures -->
    <red>Close</red> <!-- Button 41 : RED -->
    <green>RunScript(special://home/addons/http://plugin.program.tbs/</green> <!-- Button 42 : GREEN -->
    <yellow>Close</yellow> <!-- Button 43 : YELLOW -->
    <blue>RunAddon(plugin.program.tbs,,mode=grab_updates,name=%5BCOLOR%3Ddodgerblue%5DSocial+TV%5B%2FCOLOR%5D,iconimage=special%3A%2F%2Fhome%2Faddons%2Fplugin.program.tbs%2Ficon_menu.png,fanart=special%3A%2F%2Fhome%2Faddons%2Fplugin.program.tbs%2Ffanart.jpg,video=,description=)</blue> <!-- Button 44 : BLUE -->
    <favorites>ActivateWindow(Favourites)</favorites> <!-- Favorites button on IR remote -->
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <!-- Empty -->
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <f1>XBMC.ActivateWindowAndFocus(MyPVR, 31,0, 10,0)</f1>
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <keyboard name="The Little Black Box Remote">
    <!-- <red>SendClick(81)</red> --> <!-- NOT WORKING -->
    <!-- <red>Control.Message(81,click,1111)</red> --> <!-- NOT WORKING -->


    I have updated to LibreElec and my remote does not work now. I have read through the forum posts about finding the remote.conf file in the system file but can't find it, or even a system folder? I have found a remote.xml and have put this into the configfiles folder but it hasn't worked.

    Can someone please point me in the right direction?


    Looks like a Amlogic S805, test this build.

    Thanks CGarces, but which one do you think I should use out of the three there? I have read that people have bricked their Venz boxes doing this and don't want to do the same?

    When you say test do you mean put it on an SD card and boot from this? and if this works flash the NAND drive? Sorry if i'm asking noob questions just don't want to mess it up.