Posts by baggar11

    I've got 2 x pi2's with the latest LibreElec version using a MySQL backend. I've also got a toddler who loves to watch youtube. Up until recently, it's been easy to go into the Youtube Addon, then search, and hit one of the saved searches in the list. But for some reason, the searches will no longer keep saved. When I hit "new search," type in the search parameters, it blows away the last saved searches and it becomes the only saved search in the list. Only allowing 1 saved search at a time.

    Anyone run into this? Got any ideas on how to fix it? I do have my own API keys configured in the addon.

    13:26:21 219.014236 T:1772090272   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 401
    13:26:21 219.014465 T:1772090272   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 401 for
    13:26:21 219.014709 T:1772090272   ERROR: Open - failed to open source <>

    401 means "Unauthorised".
    Does USERNAME:[email protected]/video/mjpg.cgi work in a web browser?

    Yeah, it is a valid http url when authenticated. As referenced in my original post, I tested Openelec and 2 x Libreelec versions back to back to back after noticing that the latest Alpha had issues with it. All are using the same videos CIFS share with the same .STRM file pointing to the same http address. If you like, I can capture the logs off a successful play? Perhaps the 401 is indicating that Kodi is not sending the correct user/pass?

    I've attached a screenshot of Firefox playing the video to show it is a valid link

    Just got through testing with Openelec 6.0.3, LibreElec 7.0.3 and LibreElenc 7.09.007 alpha. I can't seem to get the Alpha version of LibreElec to play an MJPEG strm file for an http dlink webcam. No audio, just 640x480 MJPEG video. Testing was done on a Raspberry Pi 2.

    Steps to reproduce.

    1. Fresh flash of (Any)Elec listed above.
    2. Go through wizard and connect to wifi network
    3. Set timezone
    4. Add video source that includes webcam strm file. --> user:pass@ip/video/mjpeg.cgi
    5. Try to play strm file.

    Both Openelec and LibreElec 7.0.3 were able to play the strm file fine. Alpha version of LibreELec gives an error about not finding the next file to play. Anyone else see this behavior? I can't imagine there being many folks viewing MJPEG streams on their Kodi systems. Possibly a compile time issue for the LibreElec build or a bug with Kodi v17?