Posts by stu_mchugh

    So glad i found this forum otherwise my Andoid box was going to be launched off a very high roof!

    I'm using the build with a Mini M8S, 905x, 16GB which works sooooo much beter with the build but a problem i have is with the resolution. I have LG 4K TV and Kodi must try and auto detect but doesn't quite get it right. The who screen is 50% lower on the screen resulting in the top 50% of my screen being black and the next 50% of the screen being the top half of Kodi and the bottom 50% of Kodi not being visable. Once i manage the figure out the keystrokes to get me to the setting and put the resolution down its fine but after a reboot it reverts back.

    Is there a kodi setting to turn off auto detect resolutions or should it rememeber my settings and just not writing them to a config file somewhere?
