If you mean yourself, I have to agree.
This doen't help ... But anyway, I looked where this configuration is made and suggest the following solution:
1. I see the need of doing some automatic configuration BUT I also see the need of the rule, that no machine should alter any configuration made by an human. Could we agree to that important point?
2. LibreELEC puts it's host.conf - whatever configuration the devs/deciders might think of are right - to /usr/share/services or whatever place
3. LE looks whether /storage/.config/hosts.conf exists. If not, LE copies the configuration from place 2 to /run/connman/hosts. If yes, LE copies /storage/.config/hosts.conf to /run/connman/hosts. Python-script system.py in LibreELEC-settings-*/build/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/modules can be cleaned up where the "configuration" is made right now:
hosts.write('\tlocalhost %s\n' % self.struct['ident']['settings']['hostname']['value'])
hosts.write('::1\tlocalhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback %s\n' % self.struct['ident']['settings']['hostname']['value'])
This would be clean and proper.
For hosts.conf I suggest the following content:
# hosts.conf
# This configuration file allows you to manually map hostnames to IPs.
# Format: <ipaddress> <hostname> <hostname> ...
# Example: libreelec.mynetwork libreelec
# NOTE: you can't edit /etc/hosts directly
# create and edit /storage/.config/hosts.conf then reboot. localhost
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
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