Posts by dreamer


    as above described, since i am building master for some weeks it is hard to get a complete build without failing of OpenSSL. From some investigation it could be critical for OpenSSL to build multithreaded. It is not impossible to build master for me, but i need some complete build rerun. Here the last output of my compile error:

    i am building on 4.9.14-200.fc25.x86_64 Fedora. My disk is not running out of space.

    If you need more infos, please let me know. Thank you!

    As i seen last if network is down nfs is not mounted(right) and some other service are not working properly/started. sadly oscam is also not started due depencies on network. the result is that when the system is started with broken network (it doesn't matter why) every recording / playback is not possible on encrypted channels. there is no reason why oscam should not started. oscam is able to work with only 127.x.x.x network. the very same like vdr itself. i think this should be changed.

    in the meantime i have managed it to seperate the two downloads in two depend to each others packages. i think this is the best way to avoid hosting binaries which are critical regarding legals. maybe this has the best chances to get included somewhere.

    creating one tar via mkpkg and hosting not owned code and legal problematic bins will never get to libreelec. maybe also the program we are talking about is already abused by libreelec and will already never land on libreelec.

    understood. i am interested to re-include this one package in LE and would also PR this but due some discussions (if it is legal or not) in a PR to remove this package in the other project i doubt it will be re-included. in the mean time it was also removed in the last month frome the other project. If you dont know what i am talking about, this package is a helper for BD playback.

    any way. thanks for the info.


    i tried to reintroduce a not supported package any more by libre elec by myself for private purpose. then i got the message that multiple urls are not supported anymore and i have to use mkpkg.

    do i have understand it right that mkpkg is out of scope from normal building of any package? mkpkg needs to be called extra for package preparation? Or is there a special syntax which will call mkpkg during building?

    thanks for clarification!