Posts by CeeF

    No, that dvblast command is only for fix "Continuity counter errors", it works for whole stick (I use it only for DVB-C on 8.90.5), it isn't any special magic thing with that dvblast command, probably there is some missing, kind of activation 'thing' in MN88473 drivers or tvheadend, dvblast just 'push it' to activate it (at last that's what I think).

    Unfortunately whole stick have to be visible in tvheadend because otherwise it won't work.

    @8.90.5 all you have to do is (at least my Astrometa DVB-stick works after that):

    1. Install DVB Tools (from Addons > Programs)

    2. SSH into yours tvbox and type (if you use tvheadend42):

    systemctl stop service.tvheadend42.service

    dvblast -a 0 -f 546000000 -b 8 -O 60000 -Q 60000

    systemctl start service.tvheadend42.service

    3. That's all, from now on you should be able to use your card without any problem

    Unfortunately in latest 8.90.6 Astrometa doesn't work (probably missing/or problem with mn88473 driver)

    It's not just your box acting weird. I'm having the exact same problem with a Venz V10 (s905, identical to a K1 Plus) and a X96 (s905X). I'm using an USB bluetooth adapter on both boxes as they don't have onboard bluetooth. Always worked fine until now. The modprobe seems to work though but is not persistent across reboots.

    Just add "modprobe 8723bs" to "" ("" should be placed inside "Configfiles", if it doesn't exists just create it, You can simple edit it through Your tvbox network shares).

    I have T95m (old one with s905 on board) tvbox with RTL8723BS and I still get "No Bluetooth adapter found" after enabling BT in LibreELEC settings (i do use latest version of LibreELEC with BT fix) but after typing "modprobe 8723bs" in SSH session my BT finally appears and works as it should, so I have a question if there is any problem with proper module initialisation or its just my tvbox acting weird?

    kszaq you right, it's working now, I probably did something wrong with my configuration, after clean test 'install' everything seems to be working ok... thanks for great job on LibreELEC for S905
    ukmark62 I did that and a few other things before I posted my question... but that actually didn't help, now I know that I did mess up something with my LibreELEC, thanks for help