Posts by fumantsu

    Of course ssh-copy-id will prompt for a password as it isn't able to connect because no keys are present.

    lol, probably you didn't understand. It copy the keys but didn't work.

    Thank linux god, systemctl is working and I found the issue. For some reason (which I believe is a bug) the /storage was owned by user 1000 (never exist) plus the permissions where 755 instead of 700 (since it is considering root home directory).
    Anyway logging should be better (at least it should be on tmpfs/ramfs)


    I'm trying to setup libreelec to use sshkeys but it is not working and I can't see what is wrong since no logs are available. It is always asking for password and if I disable the password login I can't login.
    Permissions are correct on authorized_keys and keys are correct as they work on other systems.
    Anyone has manage to use this feature?