Posts by uatschitchun

    Hi, latest devel runs perfect fluid {T95x, s905x, 2G/8G)! :)

    Only Live TV has repeatedly buffer drops now :( vq dropping under 0 and rebuffering starts (vdr backend with vnsi addon)

    All other Videos run synced, although I didn't test enhanced videos.

    The t95x only has hdmi and analog audio sadly. Hdmi works fine (connected receiver to digital out from TV, as it has no hdmi input, so I have audio over TV and receiver). Sadly, the analog audio out isn't working!

    So, fixing TV buffering and analog audio and all would be fine :)

    Nice work !!!

    I have terrible usb performance a little while after starting libreelec from USB-Installation!?

    LibreELEC:~ # hdparm -tT /dev/sda
     Timing cached reads:     2 MB in 21.40 seconds =  95.70 kB/sec
     Timing buffered disk reads:   2 MB in 20.39 seconds = 100.44 kB/sec

    Kodi is quite laggy...
    Someone experienced anything like this? It's a S905x Box (T95x) using original dtb.img and gxl_p212_2g.dtb with no avail, running .008.