Posts by uatschitchun


    I've got a problem regarding audio latency when using analog output (active speakers) together with audio over hdmi (TV). Is there a way to solve this? Can't exactly separate, which one is "faster" :(

    Use case is, I like to have box connected to TV with audio while as also being able to have audio without TV on. (like listening to the three investigators while falling asleep :) I could solve it without using both outs together, but TV sound is much nicer with additional speakers...

    Setting a delay isn't possible for audio only (music), afaik, only for movies, which makes sense.


    Btw, latest version is running fine, although I have kodi crashing sometimes, mostly when network is being used for updating epg (pvr) or other databases. WiFi throughput is awful slow, so I'm using wired LAN.
    I'll go and get the network chip's model and report back...

    Maybe a small question to make understand the boot up... kszaq

    If I get it correct, boot process is handled by u-boot, which exist in different versions. So powering up the boxes, u-boot normally just boots into nand, where Android is installed and starts the Android kernel. With using the toothpick method, u-boot gets patched to support booting from SD or USB, too. So when powering up after patching u-boot, it looks if SD is present with bootable kernel and starts it if it is. If no SD with valid system is found, it tries USB. If no bootable system is found on USB or no USB is present, u-boot simply boots NAND, correct?
    So it works like a normal PC's BIOS does after being patched. It simply looks for a bootable system in the order SD, USB, NAND? So resetting all u-boot variables just makes it boot from NAND, so it's faster, as it doesn't have to 'wait' for SD or USB.

    If I'm getting it right, kernel only comes to matter, after u-boot has done its job, correct? So boot failures can't really be a matter of kernel?

    May I ask some questions?
    It's only S905 devices that suffer the boot failure? S905x devices aren't hit?
    Is there a LE version thats reliable booting S905 devices? What's the changelog between this reliable version and 011?
    Is there a way to get u-boot version from a running system?
    Does it matter if it's 64 or 32 bit?
    Do the ones suffering the boot hang have LE installed to NAND or are all using SD card? When using SD, what's installed on NAND? Android or LE?

    For me it seems a 'structured' bug hunting would be more effective. So we should find a version that's working reliable in regards to booting and go from there. The above questions show that we have a very huge variety of possible influences (u-boot version multiplied by what's on NAND multiplied by 32 or 64 bit multiplied by using SD or USB multiplied by reboot or cold boot multiplied by using external USB devices or not...)

    So my suggestion would be to go back to a reliable working version. Doing this should include a reliable test setting (64bit from SD card with no external devices connected to USB doing only cold boots is what I would suggest to minimize error prone variables)

    For all other errors (audio delay, PVR problems, stuttering, etc) I would suggest using the test files from:
    Samples - Official Kodi Wiki
    so all have the same base of files


    Hello guys,

    I've just bought myself 2x Nexbox A95X (s905x) and reflashed them with this version of LibreELEC.
    I got 3 issues with the box, hope you guys can help out:

    • HDMI-CEC/ARC: When I shutdown my box and turn off my TV. Come back in a couple of hours and just want to watch TV on my settopbox, then somehow my HDMI-ARC stops working through my receiver. I can still change volume, but it just doesn't give me sound. Until I power on and off the Nexbox, then it works again. Before I had an Asrock with OpenELEC and a HDMI-CEC adapter, which didn't have these problems.
    • When playing a video the screen goes black (no signal) for 2 seconds and comes back. Then it plays the video, with the brightness much higher then in Kodi. When stopping it goes black again for 2 seconds before returning.
    • Scrolling through Kodi is a little bit sluggish. Seems to have a little delay/lag. That while this box should perform better than the Asrock ION I had.

    Any ideas how to solve these issues?

    Can't help with first issue, but second one could be refresh rate switching together with HDR (read OP).
    3rd one: 64 or 32 bit?

    Regarding remapping volume keys


    If you don't want to play with keymap editor and are running LE from SD card, you can take the card out and use your computer to edit remote.conf that is present on SD card - that's the one copied from Android. Edit it and replace numbers in second column: 104 -> 115, 109 -> 114.

    When installed to nand, I do have 2 remote.conf files, one in /tmp and one in /flash. As /flash is read-only, editing the one in /tmp is the correct one? Will it endure updates?

    With latest devel I did a installtointernal and startet from scratch. Problems I noticed:
    After a reboot, I have to disable and enable Pvr again for to get a connection to my VDR server (vnsi).
    After adding my music library and being on the day long, I had doubled audio clicks in menu (like an echo). This was gone after a reboot.
    I'll try to reproduce and get logs

    There was a devel from 25th, not available anymore, that broke my system :( Glad I did a backup yesterday...

    With latest devel from 24th the system is up again, but the volume buttons on top of remote (t95x) aren't working anymore!? They do now a page up & page down!?

    There are 2 more buttons on the top (setup & apps) that aren't assigned to any function, correct?