I have an old android box (alfawise a8+) with quite uncommon board called "mx4m-v11". This box has been running armbian for the last 3 or 4 years as a dedicated octoprint server for my 3d printer. As I no longer need it for this purpose I thought I might give it a try as a dedicated libreelec machine. And thanks to your work it works quite fine! I mean interface is snappy and FHD movies are playing fine and even the remote control works! Playing 4k movies is not so fine but I don't really care.
There is only one "small" problem called wifi... Wifi works fine with armbian but shows no signs of life in libreelec (using generic image, I don't think others will work). Wifi adapter is Realtek 8723CS.
Is it possible to include this driver in your next build?