Posts by Hawkeye72

    Thank you very much!

    It worked fine AT ONCE!!!

    Just three VERY(!) small addons:

    1) at sourceforge - do NOT download the "-pulse-" version of squezzelight.

    (I hove no clue whats the different and if the pulse version works, too, but the non pulse version worked fine!)

    2) the command for unpacking is: tar -xvzf filename.tar.gz

    3) I had already installed the "Multimedia Tools" on my LibreELEC, but not configured. Nevertheless, aboves installation description worked fine without deinstallation.



    I run LibreELEC on a Raspberry Pi 4 with a HiFiBerry DAC+ ADC Pro V1.0.1 (two chich-outputs). The name of the computer is "SmartTVHiFiBerry". This name is configured within KODI. KODI works fine. I want to use this computer also together with my LMS-Server (Lyrion Music Server), so that I don't have two pairs of loudspeakers in the living room.

    I installed the add on "Multimedia Tools". It contains squezzelite. I want to configure this squeezelite instance, so that it works together with my LMS-Server, which is installed on another Raspberry Pi 4. If possible, I want to configure a hard and not an automatic detection of the LMS' IP adress. My network is IP 4 based.

    If I log onto "SmartTVHiFiBerry" via console, I can start "squeezelite" and stop it by CTRL+C. If started, in LMS a new player called "SqueezeLite" appears. But I do not have a sound output on this player. Other players work fine.

    In the WWW I looked already for hints for this problem. Unfortunately I did not find anything.

    Stand alone (standard Raspberry Pi OS + squeezelite) I have a couple of Raspberry Pis configured with squeezelite. They work fine. Now I want to do the same with the LibeELEC Raspberry Pi. Can someone tell my how to configure the LibreELEC Raspberry Pi, so that ...

    - ... there is a sound output?

    - ... another self choosen name appears for this player?

    - ... squezzelite starts automatically when the Raspberry Pi boots?

    - ... I have a permanent defined IP 4 adress in squezzelite(!!!) for the LMS server?

    Sincerely Klaus