Posts by Wetek_D

    You managed to type "dmesg" and hit enter. All you had to do was type "dmesg | paste" and hit enter.

    [ 1.543265] mmc1: Card stuck being busy! __mmc_poll_for_busy
    [ 1.544665] mmc1: Failed to initialize a non-removable card

    The eMMC storage fails to init ^ and thus isn't visible to the OS, so cannot be addressed. No idea what the underlying issue is, but normally the issue with Android boxes (not specifically WP2) is the chips go bad and throw errors. On the upside, it's failed but still allows SD card boot, which is better than starting to boot and not being able to continue (which can also happen).

    Really apreciate it chewitt Later i manageddmesg.log to extract it with WinSCP. Anyway guess its the end of the road with this one. Cheers

    The WP2 "board" image you are using cannot boot with the factory Android u-boot on EMMC, so either you wiped/zero'd EMMC to use the image, or the EMMC chips have failed which means the OS cannot detect Android u-boot; thus allowing it to boot upstream u-boot from the SD card.

    I'd guess the EMMC chips have gone bad. Share the URL from "dmesg | paste" and we can probably confirm.

    Cheers for that.

    Really dont know how to do the "dmesg | paste" sorry.

    So i just ran putty and copied/ pasted the full lines:

    Hi and thanks to everyone. Wonder if i should give it an extra try. Here's where i am at:

    - WP2 does not boot unless via sdcard (no image at all on the screen)

    - I am using LibreELEC-AMLGX.aarch64-12.0.2-wetek-play2.img that i flashed to the card. It boots OK.

    - Then i copied backup-wp2.img to Music samba folder (guess any folder would do right?)

    - Connected via putty and inserted the command emmctool w backup-wp2.img

    - Putty gives an error: no emmc module detected!

    Im just a curious fellow and really not tech savy...

    Can anyone help on how can i get the emmc module to give that command?

    Will it run with Putty?

    chewitt  Old-guy thanks

    (Sorry for my english ;))