Posts by elmangomez

    I use alias to change default mc behavior:
    alias mc='TERM=xterm;mc -X -u'

    This speedup execution (something with subshell) and remove screen flickering (TERM=linux is default).

    Disadvantage is lack of frames and different keyboard handling.

    Sorry to bring up an old thread... How/where exactly do you set the "alias mc" parameters above. MC is practically not usable with the flickering.


    No, but you can self-build an image with a newer kernel and related kernel and intel firmware packages. There are instructions for self-building in the wiki, although it won't give you explicit directions on how to go around bumping packages. There's lots of prior art for that in the buildysystem though, so a little initiative and curiosity should get you over the line.

    Plan B .. time to fathom the overly modified skin.

    Thank you…. I saw there is a release of the skin compatible w Omega. Upgrading seems to be a more constructive path that trying to learn about bumping packages and builsdystems.

    Would you recomen upgrading Matrix direct to Omega; or going thru Nexus and then Omega?

    Luckily I have a couple of Nucs and drives that I can restore and test via Clonezilla saved images.

    Thanks again for the motivation.


    Going back to the original subject; I just unpacked a new GMTEK G3 (w N100) and much to my surprise I got the ‘Unsupported GPU’ error.

    I am still using Kodi Matrix…. Is there an LE Matrix version that has a supporting kernel? Anything I can do to make it work on Matrix?

    I cannot fathom an upgrade with my highly modified Auramod skin and all the addons.

    Thank you.