Posts by toobadoob

    Thanks for the suggestions. Your instincts are correct. Bad connection. With SD card removed no firmware screen on the LG 4K monitor. I borrowed an old monitor and the firmware screen came up. Rock solid. Connected to a Hisense TV - intermittent. I filed away part of the case which allows the connector to push in a bit further and get a better connection. It works on the LG 4K monitor as long as its pushed all the way in and doesn't move. Not ideal but it works.

    Thanks again.

    Hi, I just made a fresh install of 12.0.1 to SD card for an RPI4. On power on I have a blank screen (no input). No rainbow, no libreelec, no kodi.

    The monitor is an LG 4K UHD. I am using a standard 3A rpi power supply and an rpi hdmi cable. Disconnecting/reconnecting the cable wakes up the monitor but then it goes back to sleep.

    Prior to power on I added "ssh" and "video=HDMI-A-1:1920x1080@60D" to the first line of cmdline.txt.

    I captured a log via ssh: The log says debug is at level 0. I don't know how to change this to get debug.

    Here is the edid decode

    I then did getedid create and rebooted, as I heard this can be helpful. But the display is still black. Cmdline.txt now includes "drm.edid_firmware=HDMI-A-1:edid/edid-HDMI-A-1.bin video=HDMI-A-1:D". This is the log

    Could the community provide any advice?
