Can anyone see anything in the logs that might explain why I have no audio over HDMI? The hifiberry hat is working, but I prefer to use the hdmi. I see no hdmi option in sound settings, only hifiberry.
Posts by toobadoob
Thanks for the suggestions. Your instincts are correct. Bad connection. With SD card removed no firmware screen on the LG 4K monitor. I borrowed an old monitor and the firmware screen came up. Rock solid. Connected to a Hisense TV - intermittent. I filed away part of the case which allows the connector to push in a bit further and get a better connection. It works on the LG 4K monitor as long as its pushed all the way in and doesn't move. Not ideal but it works.
Thanks again.
Hi, I just made a fresh install of 12.0.1 to SD card for an RPI4. On power on I have a blank screen (no input). No rainbow, no libreelec, no kodi.
The monitor is an LG 4K UHD. I am using a standard 3A rpi power supply and an rpi hdmi cable. Disconnecting/reconnecting the cable wakes up the monitor but then it goes back to sleep.
Prior to power on I added "ssh" and "video=HDMI-A-1:1920x1080@60D" to the first line of cmdline.txt.
I captured a log via ssh: The log says debug is at level 0. I don't know how to change this to get debug.
Here is the edid decode
I then did getedid create and rebooted, as I heard this can be helpful. But the display is still black. Cmdline.txt now includes "drm.edid_firmware=HDMI-A-1:edid/edid-HDMI-A-1.bin video=HDMI-A-1:D". This is the log
Could the community provide any advice?