Posts by caco3
Thanks for your response!
I found now a micro-HDMI-to-HDMI-Adapter in my cable box. Oddly, this way, HDMI works. So the original cable seems to habe an issue, but just with this screen. So for me that is a working solution.
Some extra notes:
I already am on the nightly build of the 2024-12-30. Also I already updated the firmware (EEPROM-Bootloader), it was on 2023-12-06.
Nevertheless not even the RPi Diagnostic Screen gets shown (Waited several minutes)!
Then I connected both RPi-HDMI outputs to the same screen, one on HDMI, the other on DVI. This way I can see the diagnostics page. interestingly, both EDID are shown as ok:
Below the decoded EDID data. The fact that it can be read out should be a prove that the communication between monitor and RPi id bidirectional, right?
Display Moreedid-decode /storage/.config/firmware/edid/edid-HDMI-A-1.bin edid-decode (hex): 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 5a 63 2b 83 01 01 01 01 32 16 01 03 80 3c 22 78 2e 25 95 a9 54 4f a1 26 0a 50 54 bf ef 80 b3 00 a9 40 a9 c0 95 00 81 80 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 3a 80 18 71 38 2d 40 58 2c 25 00 55 50 21 00 00 1e 00 00 00 ff 00 54 35 36 31 32 35 30 30 30 31 32 35 0a 00 00 00 fd 00 32 4b 0f 5e 1b 00 0a 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 fc 00 56 50 32 37 37 30 20 53 45 52 49 45 53 01 54 02 03 2a f1 55 90 05 04 03 02 07 06 08 09 0e 0f 1f 14 13 12 11 15 16 1d 1e 01 23 09 7f 07 83 01 00 00 67 03 0c 00 10 00 01 36 02 3a 80 18 71 38 2d 40 58 2c 45 00 55 50 21 00 00 1e 01 1d 80 18 71 1c 16 20 58 2c 25 00 55 50 21 00 00 9e 01 1d 00 72 51 d0 1e 20 6e 28 55 00 55 50 21 00 00 1e 8c 0a d0 8a 20 e0 2d 10 10 3e 96 00 55 50 21 00 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 ---------------- Block 0, Base EDID: EDID Structure Version & Revision: 1.3 Vendor & Product Identification: Manufacturer: VSC Model: 33579 Serial Number: 16843009 (0x01010101) Made in: week 50 of 2012 Basic Display Parameters & Features: Digital display Maximum image size: 60 cm x 34 cm Gamma: 2.20 DPMS levels: Off RGB color display Default (sRGB) color space is primary color space First detailed timing is the preferred timing Color Characteristics: Red : 0.6601, 0.3300 Green: 0.3095, 0.6298 Blue : 0.1503, 0.0400 White: 0.3134, 0.3291 Established Timings I & II: IBM : 720x400 70.081663 Hz 9:5 31.467 kHz 28.320000 MHz DMT 0x04: 640x480 59.940476 Hz 4:3 31.469 kHz 25.175000 MHz Apple : 640x480 66.666667 Hz 4:3 35.000 kHz 30.240000 MHz DMT 0x05: 640x480 72.808802 Hz 4:3 37.861 kHz 31.500000 MHz DMT 0x06: 640x480 75.000000 Hz 4:3 37.500 kHz 31.500000 MHz DMT 0x08: 800x600 56.250000 Hz 4:3 35.156 kHz 36.000000 MHz DMT 0x09: 800x600 60.316541 Hz 4:3 37.879 kHz 40.000000 MHz DMT 0x0a: 800x600 72.187572 Hz 4:3 48.077 kHz 50.000000 MHz DMT 0x0b: 800x600 75.000000 Hz 4:3 46.875 kHz 49.500000 MHz Apple : 832x624 74.551266 Hz 4:3 49.726 kHz 57.284000 MHz DMT 0x10: 1024x768 60.003840 Hz 4:3 48.363 kHz 65.000000 MHz DMT 0x11: 1024x768 70.069359 Hz 4:3 56.476 kHz 75.000000 MHz DMT 0x12: 1024x768 75.028582 Hz 4:3 60.023 kHz 78.750000 MHz DMT 0x24: 1280x1024 75.024675 Hz 5:4 79.976 kHz 135.000000 MHz Apple : 1152x870 75.061550 Hz 192:145 68.681 kHz 100.000000 MHz Standard Timings: DMT 0x3a: 1680x1050 59.954250 Hz 16:10 65.290 kHz 146.250000 MHz DMT 0x33: 1600x1200 60.000000 Hz 4:3 75.000 kHz 162.000000 MHz DMT 0x53: 1600x900 60.000000 Hz 16:9 60.000 kHz 108.000000 MHz (RB) DMT 0x2f: 1440x900 59.887445 Hz 16:10 55.935 kHz 106.500000 MHz DMT 0x23: 1280x1024 60.019740 Hz 5:4 63.981 kHz 108.000000 MHz Detailed Timing Descriptors: DTD 1: 1920x1080 60.000000 Hz 16:9 67.500 kHz 148.500000 MHz (597 mm x 336 mm) Hfront 88 Hsync 44 Hback 148 Hpol P Vfront 2 Vsync 5 Vback 38 Vpol P Display Product Serial Number: 'T56125000125' Display Range Limits: Monitor ranges (GTF): 50-75 Hz V, 15-94 kHz H, max dotclock 270 MHz Display Product Name: 'VP2770 SERIES' Extension blocks: 1 Checksum: 0x54 ---------------- Block 1, CTA-861 Extension Block: Revision: 3 Underscans IT Video Formats by default Basic audio support Supports YCbCr 4:4:4 Supports YCbCr 4:2:2 Native detailed modes: 1 Video Data Block: VIC 16: 1920x1080 60.000000 Hz 16:9 67.500 kHz 148.500000 MHz (native) VIC 5: 1920x1080i 60.000000 Hz 16:9 33.750 kHz 74.250000 MHz VIC 4: 1280x720 60.000000 Hz 16:9 45.000 kHz 74.250000 MHz VIC 3: 720x480 59.940060 Hz 16:9 31.469 kHz 27.000000 MHz VIC 2: 720x480 59.940060 Hz 4:3 31.469 kHz 27.000000 MHz VIC 7: 1440x480i 59.940060 Hz 16:9 15.734 kHz 27.000000 MHz VIC 6: 1440x480i 59.940060 Hz 4:3 15.734 kHz 27.000000 MHz VIC 8: 1440x240 60.054449 Hz 4:3 15.734 kHz 27.000000 MHz VIC 9: 1440x240 60.054449 Hz 16:9 15.734 kHz 27.000000 MHz VIC 14: 1440x480 59.940060 Hz 4:3 31.469 kHz 54.000000 MHz VIC 15: 1440x480 59.940060 Hz 16:9 31.469 kHz 54.000000 MHz VIC 31: 1920x1080 50.000000 Hz 16:9 56.250 kHz 148.500000 MHz VIC 20: 1920x1080i 50.000000 Hz 16:9 28.125 kHz 74.250000 MHz VIC 19: 1280x720 50.000000 Hz 16:9 37.500 kHz 74.250000 MHz VIC 18: 720x576 50.000000 Hz 16:9 31.250 kHz 27.000000 MHz VIC 17: 720x576 50.000000 Hz 4:3 31.250 kHz 27.000000 MHz VIC 21: 1440x576i 50.000000 Hz 4:3 15.625 kHz 27.000000 MHz VIC 22: 1440x576i 50.000000 Hz 16:9 15.625 kHz 27.000000 MHz VIC 29: 1440x576 50.000000 Hz 4:3 31.250 kHz 54.000000 MHz VIC 30: 1440x576 50.000000 Hz 16:9 31.250 kHz 54.000000 MHz VIC 1: 640x480 59.940476 Hz 4:3 31.469 kHz 25.175000 MHz Audio Data Block: Linear PCM: Max channels: 2 Supported sample rates (kHz): 192 176.4 96 88.2 48 44.1 32 Supported sample sizes (bits): 24 20 16 Speaker Allocation Data Block: FL/FR - Front Left/Right Vendor-Specific Data Block (HDMI), OUI 00-0C-03: Source physical address: DVI_Dual Maximum TMDS clock: 270 MHz Detailed Timing Descriptors: DTD 2: 1920x1080 60.000000 Hz 16:9 67.500 kHz 148.500000 MHz (597 mm x 336 mm) Hfront 88 Hsync 44 Hback 148 Hpol P Vfront 4 Vsync 5 Vback 36 Vpol P DTD 3: 1920x1080i 60.000000 Hz 16:9 33.750 kHz 74.250000 MHz (597 mm x 336 mm) Hfront 88 Hsync 44 Hback 148 Hpol P Vfront 2 Vsync 5 Vback 15 Vpol P Vfront +0.5 Odd Field Vfront 2 Vsync 5 Vback 15 Vpol P Vback +0.5 Even Field DTD 4: 1280x720 60.000000 Hz 16:9 45.000 kHz 74.250000 MHz (597 mm x 336 mm) Hfront 110 Hsync 40 Hback 220 Hpol P Vfront 5 Vsync 5 Vback 20 Vpol P DTD 5: 720x480 59.940060 Hz 3:2 31.469 kHz 27.000000 MHz (597 mm x 336 mm) Hfront 16 Hsync 62 Hback 60 Hpol N Vfront 9 Vsync 6 Vback 30 Vpol N Checksum: 0x25 Unused space in Extension Block: 13 bytes
Additional info:
The RPi5 and the Viewsonic monitor also work together with HDMI, if I boot first with using the DVI input and then switch over to the HDMI input. But after a restart, it is black again (even when I run another getedid create).
I have a working setup with a RPi3 and a ViewSonic VP2770-LED monitor (connected through HDMI). This works fine, but I want to switch to a RPi5.
So I setup a new SD-card for the RPi5 and booted it with the monitor connected. How ever the screen always stays black.
I know that the SD-card is setup correctly because if I use the RPi5 with a HDMI-DVI-Adapter, the monitor works correctly (obviously without sound). So there must be a difference in the way the RPi5 and the RPi3 handle the HDMI signal.
The micro-HDMI-to-HDMI cable also is ok because it works (with the RPi5) on a different monitor.
I already followed and did a getedid create on both RPis and compared the bin file, they are identical.